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Everything posted by jon.pearse

  1. Hi westerndigital, Yes, the current version 1.9.1 has the independent setting for emails and documents. Jon
  2. We actually have a video on creating load files which discusses deduplication, this may be helpful. http://community.vound-software.com/index.php?/topic/402-creating-a-load-file-in-intella/
  3. The original article regarding optimizing Intella memory settings for best performance can be found on our support knowledge base: https://support.vound-software.com/help/en-us/8-installation/71-optimizing-intella-memory-settings-for-best-performance
  4. Hi, Once you have a csv or dat file ready with an Intella ID reference (e.g. Item ID), select 'Import Overlay File' under the File menu. In the 'Column Mapping' screen you need to check the 'Item ID' option in the 'Specify item identifier column' settings and match the Intella ID reference field. In terms of importing the Relativity ID, you will need to import this field as a tag column (similar to when importing a load file). The attached example shows that I have selected the field 'Identifier' however, the Relativity ID field may have a different name. Note that there may be other fields that you need to import as tag columns as well. FYI, we have overhauled the load file/overlay import function in 1.9.2. It will be a lot easier to import load files and overlays in this version. Jon
  5. Hi, Note that in this reply I have assumed that the Relativity report is in tabular format. This is a bit of a hard situation to be in however, it may be possible to ingest the PST file into Intella than overlay the Relativity metadata. The issue is that you don't have a reliable common identifier from Relativity and Intella which you can use to match the correct Relativity metadata to the correct item in Intella. If you could get the MD5 hash then that would help however, even MD5 can be problematic. Consider two different emails with the exact same attachment, which Relativity metadata fields are assign to which attachment? Also, Relativity may hash emails differently to how we hash them. Obtaining the message-IDs may better your chances to match the items. You could try to match the items by using a number of metadata fields to increase the likelihood that it is the correct item. You could load the PST into Intella then export a CSV from Intella with a number of fields (e.g. Item ID, Message-ID, Subject, From etc.). You will then need to match the individual items from the Relativity report and the items in the Intella csv. When matches are found, you will need to add the Item ID from the Intella csv to the corresponding item in the relativity report. The Relativity report can then be used to load the data into Intella as an overlay. The Item ID field will be used when importing the report. Message-ID gives the best chance to identify emails. Subject and From can be used to handle rare cases where Message ID is the same for many items. Other fields such as location and dates may be included in the Intella csv export to help with matching the items reliably. You will probably need someone with skills in Excel to write complex formulas (using multiple metadata fields) that will match the items. Jon
  6. Hi Adam (and others), Just a note to say that along with a bunch of other features, customisable Regex queries will be available in the next release of Intella (1.9.2). Regex will be in the Content Analysis facet and we have included a testing page where Regex queries can be tested. Jon
  7. Adam, There are some limitations with proximity searching and it is not a straight forward process to allow phrases within proximity searches. That said, the team will likely look at this functionality for a future version.
  8. Hi Adam, Because the double quotes need to encase all of the search terms, you cannot have a search phrase within a proximity search. A search phrase would require double quotes around it and you can't have nested double quotes within a proximity search. That said, you can use phrases in keyword or keyword lists to narrow down the results before running a simplified proximity search. You have done the first part correctly (e.g. I want to find "beat" within 50 words of "here it comes". Using Jon's keyword method I search for both individually, then tag the overlapping so I have only documents which have both search terms). Because you cant us a phrase in a proximity search, you need to run your proximity search for 'beat' and one of the words in the phrase e.g. "beat comes"~50. This could return false positives as 'beat' could be within 50 words of another word 'comes' which is not related to the phrase 'here it comes'. Unfortunately this is a limitation but this process will also return hits for 'beat' within 50 words of 'here it comes'. I hope this makes sense. Jon
  9. Hi Adam, Can you submit a support ticket for this issue and provide some screenshots so our team can investigate the issue please.
  10. Hi, Unfortunately in the current version there is no configuration file that can be edited to change the default settings. However, on our road map we do have additional functionality in this area scheduled. This will include the ability to define a case template, containing settings for all sorts of user preferences which will include adding sources.
  11. Hi, In general, we would recommend using a folder source because the speed will likely be better when using the official 1.9.1 release. That said, we have made some changes since the 1.9.1 release where the time to process forensic image files is similar to a folder source. If you want to try disk images then we can send the installer to you via our support portal (create a ticket and ask for this version). There are some things that you may want to be aware of when processing folder and evidence file sources: An advantage of using L01 files is that they can handle long file paths. If you use a folder source and have long file paths, you may miss data because of the Windows file path length limitations. Another thing is that dates for files may change when copying data across drives etc. If the data was first imaged to a L01 file, the dates will be preserved. Also there are potential issues with file names that contain symbols illegal on Windows when using a folder source. For example: Your original data comes from Mac OS X system where it's possible to use a colon in a file name like "file:" If you export such data into a file system then those files won't be created and will be missing. But if you index it as a disk image, Intella will be able to index it fine.
  12. Here is the link to the new features video for Connect 1.9.1. This video demonstrates the new Batching and Coding features which are included in this release. https://youtu.be/FoGDxbGm_A4
  13. Hi all, We have been asked several questions on the support portal in regards to how to configure load files. Unfortunately most of the requests come in after a load file has been created and issues have been identified with the load file during the data review stage. Some common issues are: The user is inexperienced and is struggling with the concept of load files and how to create them. A load file has been created and provided to the client with the wrong specifications. There has been little communication between the parties and there has been no agreement regarding the requirements/specification for the load file. A load file has subsequently been created and provided to the client with the wrong specification. The user has not sent their client 'test' load files to ensure that the specification and other aspects of the load files are correct. The client is now reviewing data and has identified issues with the load files. The user accepts a load file to import without having correctly done the diligence of defining the fields and settings required with the other side / your client. The issues above are worst case scenarios, and will potentially alert the other side / your client your lack of understanding on the process of ediscovery and load files. Fixing issues after the review process has started can be very complex and costly. For that reason we have created a video on creating a load file using Intella so that users can gain more knowledge before they start building load files. The video demonstrates getting your dataset ready and exporting the data to a Relativity load file. Note: This video is for demonstration purposes and is only a guide to show you what may be involved when creating a load file. In the video we have created a simple load file and we have not demonstrated every setting available in Intella. Creating a load file can be an intricate task. The requirements for fields and load file settings need to be agreed with the end user, and you will need to ensure that these settings are met. These setting can change between clients and projects which makes creating each load file more of a unique task. Load files require you to have knowledge of not only Intella but also the software you are creating the load file for. There are a number of (non-Intella related) items which you should be aware of. Some of these items are load file concepts, field naming, document numbering, date structure/formats, family structure, the ultimate use of the load file, encoding and jurisdiction. If you have not created a load file before, have little experience in this area, or are not aware of the non-Intella related items mentioned above, we suggest that you seek assistance from someone who has experience in load files. They should be able to guide you through the many areas where things can potentially go wrong. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxKSodX63_M&feature=youtu.be For more information on load files and Intella. Please see section 27 "Load File Checklist" of the user manual. Many thanks to Jason Covey for assisting us with this video. Jon
  14. Information can be found under: https://support.vound-software.com/help/en-us/9-support-training/72-proximity-searches-in-intella-a-better-understanding
  15. Hi Fuzed, It's really hard to know what is happening here. Are the email items missing completely or is it just metadata that is missing in Intella. Perhaps create a proper ticket via our support portal so that you can send us the logs etc. Regards Jon
  16. Fuzed, I think Adam is on the right track suggesting to use EnCase. I have not used the latest version of EnCase but earlier versions had a 'file finder' function. You may be able to search for the file signature of the message and carve the messages out that way. Regards Jon
  17. Hi all, We have just released a new video which shows some of the new features in Intella Connect 1.9.1. This version is due out in the next week or so. You can see the video here https://youtu.be/FoGDxbGm_A4
  18. Hi Adam, Note that the "Parent ID" column always shows the ID for the direct parent, and it is not dependent on the Show Parents options. We looking to rename "Parent ID" to "Direct Parent ID" to remove any confusion. We are also looking to rename "Child IDs" to "Direct Child IDs" an well. We may look to introduce new fields for "Top-Level Parent ID" and "Family ID" in a future version. Regards Jon
  19. Hi Mark, I'm not sure why you are having the freezing issue. I wonder whether it is hanging on data in a specific field. Could you provide the load file to us so we can test it? In terms of the dates, can you provide some screen shots showing the dates which are being used and the errors messages you are receiving. Given that this is a public forum, can you open a support ticket and send the samples via support please. Regards Jon
  20. Hi all, I have created some sample datasets for testing OCR processing. These are from the Enron dataset. There are two datasets (one for scanned PDFs and one for TIFF files). The content of the documents is the same, it is just that they are in different formats. They are approx. 170MB each and can be download from these links. http://vound-software.com/files/OCR%20dataset%201%20-%20TIFF.zip http://vound-software.com/files/OCR%20dataset%202%20-%20PDF.zip Regards Jon
  21. Hi gsnyder, I have been able to reproduce the issue which you have described. The fix will be available in version 1.9.1 which is planned for release early next month. However, we can offer an installer with the fix if you need it urgently. Regards Jon
  22. Thanks for sharing Gabriel, it is useful to know other methods of dealing with non-searchable documents in a case. Regards Jon
  23. Hi all, Just a quick update to Intella's coding functionality. The up and coming 1.9.1 version of Intella Connect has dedicated document batching and subjective coding functionality built in. These features were designed to assist with the legal review of documents during eDiscovery engagements. I will post a link to a video which shows these new features in about a week. 1.9.1 is scheduled for release in early April. Jon
  24. Hi Gabriel, Thanks for your post. I'll look at getting a dataset together for benchmark testing, this is a good idea. It is interesting that you mention that you OCR before processing in Intella. Does this also save time? I'm also curious to know how you determine whether a file (or an attachment to an email) needs to be OCRed? Regards Jon
  25. Hi Gabriel, Thanks for your post and query. This can be done by using Tasks in Intella. Tasks allow you to automatically search by date range and to tag the results. This is how you setup something similar to what you are asking: Open Tasks from the file menu Click on the New button to create a new task Enter a name for the task e.g. 'DR-Search01 - Mar 2016' Select Keyword search for the condition Enter the asterisk ( * ) for the Keyword Select Additional date range and set the date for the month and year You can de-duplicate the results if you want Select 'Tag item' for the Action Enter a name for the tag e.g. '01.01 - DR-Mar 2016'. You can use any name here but the 01.01 at the beginning will place the tags in order. The next tag would start with 01.02 in this case Click Ok to save the task Do the same for all of the months in the year Once done, you can use the 'Export' button to export the tasks from the case. Use the 'Load from file' button to import the tasks into the new case. Once loaded in, you will need to edit each task to match the month and year you require. Regards Jon
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