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Everything posted by ŁukaszBachman

  1. Surely, I think that IPs would be nice additions as well. I already wrote it down so it will be processed in one of the next releases. I can't wait to hear some customer feedback also!
  2. That was my first encounter with those abbreviations, but I'll surely remember both
  3. Hi Adam! Very insightful, as always! :-) You are absolutely right about the fact that someone could share his account in order to aid him with his work. I guess we need to be more preventive here. I'm sure we will come up with some solution that could help in this case. Correct, log out is not covered in the activities stream. If that would be helpful for you, then we will add it in one of the future releases (most likely 1.7.2). "Audit logs" and "user activities reports" are also on the road map, so I noted down your specific suggestions. They surely will be included.
  4. Ok, that certainly explains things. It's good that we have this one resolved! I'm also glad that I have learned a new definition - PICNIC error :-)
  5. Hi Adam! To address your questions one at a time: This feature will be available in 1.7.1 release later this month I think we will consider this feature in future. See my question below. This feature is on our road map. I think it will be either 1.7.2 or 1.7.3, but no concrete dates have been assigned to them yet. This seems to me like some in built Instant Messaging system. Is that what you are after? This feature looks interesting so I'll pull it on the roadmap. It will depend on the market, however, if we decide to implement it. Locking accounts: I understand what you are after, but I don't know why you should need this feature. Could you elaborate on this a bit more? For me it looks like this would only be helpful if you share the same credentials among various users. We wouldn't recommend that, as you could loose track of who has access to data. Credentials should be kept safe and assigned to one person only.
  6. Hi Adam! Let me assist you here, but before I do that I'd like to understand what exactly you are after. You see, I'm a bit confused because you have mentioned three types of searches (Emails, Tags, Keywords) but I think you only want to use the two (Emails, Keywords). I will describe the process of finding emails with certain keyword below: Enter desired keyword in the keyword search input (upper left side). For me this is phrase "test" (without quotation marks) Press "Enter" on the keyboard That should display one cluster referring to all the items having "test" in the metadata. For me it is 6162 different kinds of items (emails, documents, etc.). If I understand you correctly, then now you wish to filter only items which are emails. In order to do so, please take the following steps: Expand Type Facet (facets panel on the left), then Communications Select Email message Click on the arrow next to the Search button in this facet and chose Include You should see all the emails with keyword "test". Now, I should make one remark. The Results Panel (the one which lists all your searches; top right corner) still shows you hit counts for original queries. So for me it still shows 6162 items matching keyword and over 194.000 emails (included). However, it is the Cluster Map and Items Table which have changed. The only cluster in CMap is now showing 2243 items and the same count is reported by Items Table. This is by design. I hope that this helps you out. If not, please elaborate more on what facets are you using and what kind of results you are expecting.
  7. You can achieve what you want by doing the following steps (this is all Excel usage, not really related to Intella that much): Create a blank column next to the "Native" column and call it "Hyperlink" Select a cell in the first row of this new column and enter following Excel formula: =HYPERLINK(CONCATENATE("file://";"C:\Users\lukas_000\Desktop\export\";C2)) (Look for description of colors below. Some swapping will be necessary here to match your case.) Press Enter At this point this cell should become "clickable hyperlink". While having the same cell selected, please locate the small black rectangle in the bottom right corner of Cell Selection (drawn around the cell). Click on this rectangle and drag the selection down to the bottom of every row in your CSV. This will copy the formula to the rest of the cells in the "Hyperlink" column, and it will automatically adjust the cell counter (C2) to match appropriate rows (C3, C4, etc.) After that you should have hyperlink ready for every item in your CSV. Legend: C:\Users\lukas_000\Desktop\export\ --- this is parent folder of "Original format". So it was exactly the same folder for into which you have exported your data. DO NOT forget about trailing backslash. C2 - this is the cell index read as "Column C, row number 2". This should represent the first cell in the "Native" column. In your CSV it might be different index, but I'm sure you will be able to track it down easily. Attached you will find a screenshot of final results of those steps for me. Best regards, Łukasz
  8. Hi eeverett! Indeed this "flat export" option could be helpful for some users. I've pulled it in on our features list, so it will be included in the next (1.7.1) or the following (1.7.2) release of Connect. Best regards, Łukasz
  9. Dear Adam, we had a look into CSV reports and they seem completely fine. You see, CSVs being plain text files themselves cannot offer "click to follow a link" capabilities. This is offered as a part of word processor that you are using to read/parse CSVs (like MS Excel or MS Word). What column in CSV were you referring to as "hyperlinks"? Was that URI by any chance? If so, then some further clarification is in place. URIs are not really hyperlinks, although they have similar syntax. URIs are simply identifiers and should not be confused with regular hyperlinks as they usual do not have any actions associated with them. Now, despite mentioned facts you could achieve some sort of "click to open a file" hyperlink in MS Excel but that requires some modifications of spread sheet. For instance, you could create a new column and use the Excel functions to concatenate following prefix string with the value of "Native" column: "file://PATH_TO_YOUR_EXPORT_DIR\". An example: "file://D:\exports\csv_test\Original format\folder1\my_file.docx". That will advise Excel to treat this new column as a hyperlink and open the file with appropriate application.
  10. Hi Walt! Previewing item by ID is possible and indeed very easy. However you are right that there is no UI component which aids this process. If you open any item in the previewer you will notice URL in the address bar to look something like the following: As you can see there is an explicit itemId paremeter which tells the Previewer which item to load. Change it to anything you want and you should be able to load any arbitrary item into the Previewer. Note: if you use Items Table to open Previewer, additional "s" parameter will be added to the URL. You can safely ignore (remove) this param to make links cleaner and shorter. Doing this, however, will remove the ability to navigate forward and backward between the items in the Previewer. For the bug itself, please see my PM which I will compose in matter of minutes. Best regards, Łukasz
  11. Hi Walt! Yes, you are correct. This has been introduced along when we were implementing scrollbar markers for hit highlighting. We have already finished improvement of that, so that the text wraps naturally and the hit markers are still accurate. Next release (around the corner) should help you out. We will let you know as soon as it's available for download. Best regards, Łukasz
  12. You are welcome, glad I could help! Best regards, Łukasz
  13. Hi Walt! Yes, it is possible to change admin port via our configuration/properties mechanism. Please follow the steps listed below: Locate user.prefs file in the Connect home folder* Look for a key=value entry where the key is equal to AdminPort If there is no such entry, please create one. Please specify desired port as the value for this entry. Save the file, restart Connect, click on the tray icon and you should be navigated to the appropriate page including new port. So for my local setup, I had to create a new entry like so: AdminPort=11234 Keep in mind that Connect will fail to start if you chose port which is already occupied, so please make sure that no other services are listening on that port. * during the Beta Connect is reusing Intella's home folder (for me it's located in: %UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming\Intella). This has already been changed in the code base, so new version of Connect will have it's own separate folder containing all the configuration (%UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming\Intella Connect). Any changes to the configuration files that you will make now will have to be ported later to the new directory. Please let me know if this has worked for you. Best regards, Łukasz
  14. Hello AdamS! Sorry for the delay in response. Video files: Currently we do not show a preview of video items in the Previewer, so there is no way of watching the video file directly from the browser. You can download it and view it in some native application, though. We may add thumbnails of the videos (snapshot taken in the middle of video file) in one of the future releases, but this hasn't been assigned to any fixed date yet. To give you some insights. The topic of streaming videos is rather broad and not easy to accomplish. Web browsers support just a few formats of video files, so we can't really rely on their support here. We could do some video pre-processing so that we could support more formats, but that would either make indexing process longer, or would take up a lot of server resources if we decide to do this on the fly. Thus, any work in this area is still ahead of us. The best way for you to watch video files is indeed downloading them from the Previewer (this action is available in the top menu) and use some video player to have a look. That gives you the most options, since if you will find some strange video format you can always find appropriate codecs and install them in your system.
  15. Hi Adam! Ok, now I understand your point of view perfectly. Indeed there is a place for improvements here. To clarify, when I was saying that browser might get unresponsive, I didn't mean that it can get into "loading..." state for a long time. I meant that the whole browser window (single tab, to be exact) might be considered broken by the browser (not responding) or work very slowly, making reviewing nearly impossible. That's why I don't think that additional checkbox option would help you out while dealing with large sets, and for the small ones it wouldn't be that feasible. I think I will propose a change in the thumbnails view which would do more operations under the hood, so that old images are discarded (lowers memory consumption) and new ones will be loaded on demand. That should help us to leave pagination as optional feature, rather than a must. I can't promise you that this will be done in the final release, but most likely will come soon after it. Lack of possibility of quickly jumping to any page is something I would like to have fixed soon, so this will get a higher priority now. Multi-select is also one of the features that we are planning to do after first release.
  16. Hi Adam! You have brought up an interesting issue. But before we go any further, let me ask you one thing. Is the current speed of loading thumbnails too low? There is one major improvement on our road map regarding preprocessing of the thumbnails. This should speed up thumbnails view at least a couple of times, but most likely won't be done in first official release. However, based on our test, the thumbnails fetching speed was alright even on slower dialup connections, and paging was the feature that actually made it possible to work in the first place. Otherwise loading would take far too much time and make the browser unresponsive. To address the question about navigating to a custom page - that is already possible! If you click on the center icon representing the current page, you should be able to see a list of numbers for all the pages (for instance 1...100). If you go ahead and click on some number, then this page will be set as the current and fetching of appropriate images should automatically start. If you found something not working as I have just described, then please let us know. Perhaps we are missing something. Log off button is already done, you can expect it with next release :-) P.S. Would you prefer load-on-demand initialized by scrolling to the next page?
  17. Hi Philrodo! Thanks for sharing your feedback! When I'm reading your suggestions I can't help but get the feeling that you are reading in our minds. These were the exact questions we asked ourselves a few months ago, when we did a brainstorming on Connect's final features, look and feel. Our answer to these questions was more or less the following: let's embrace the whole power of Intella in Connect (so that our existing customers can benefit the most out of it) AND lets develop it in a way, so that it becomes even more easy and efficient reviewing platform. We are currently at the stage where existing customers will be happy to see all of the most critical features ready. That means that we will quickly shift our minds and focus solely on making Connect simpler, faster and more intuitive. So I personally think that you and all the customers looking for efficient reviewing platform should be happy to see the direction in which Connect will be heading over a next couple of months. Also, existing customers will also be pleased to learn that transition from regular Intella into Connect is easy and quick. "How will you achieve that?" - one might ask. Well, there are a few ways of doing that. We could make the UI more configurable, as you have pointed out. We can also make the UI simpler and allow users to make use of more advanced options on demand. We could also divide Connect users into groups (I believe this is one of yours suggestions as well), lets say "reviewers" and "search engineers", and create a totaly separate set of options for each of them. We did some research and tryouts about how those options would work in real cases, but the decision which way to follow is delayed until after first release so the topic is still open. I encourage you to share your thoughts. We are confident in ourselves that we know where to go, but additional feedback is always appreciated as our number one goal for our software is to focus on user needs first! Best regards, Łukasz
  18. Hi Philrodo! This sounds to me like a first point from our troubleshooting guide: http://community.vound-software.com/index.php?/topic/66-troubleshooting-advice/ Remote connections and VM support will be available after a final release, as this requires Connect license be available on your Dongle. We are not issuing those yet. When you install Connect you will get a 30 days Trial license, which is tied up to the machine that you have installed it on. Best regards, Łukasz
  19. Hi Walt! The HTTPS configuration guide is ready, so please refer to this PDF. It should guide you through the whole process, but if you get stuck at any point please let me know. Best regards, Łukasz
  20. Hi Walt! We are in final stages of writing a document explaining in details how to setup HTTPS. This guide will walk you through all the steps necessary to configure your own certificate in Connect. I will post it here as soon as it's ready. It shouldn't take more than one day. Best regards, Łukasz
  21. @E-Hounds, running Connect in VM or via RDM will be supported in the final release, as this requires appropriate licensing privileges provided by a proper Dongle. I will look into the reported issue with regard to inability of doing anything after certain amount of time. Some logs would be very helpful here, could you perhaps provide me with some? I'm referring to the server logs (accessible via Connect's tray icon) and even browser Log, which can be usually seen in the "Console" tab in developer tools of your browser. A shortcut key for accessing this set of tools is usually "F12". @Walt S, yes, Beta releases will expire after 30 days from the day of first use. However, as you might have not noticed yet, the Beta 2 is out! So if you want, you can get another 30 days of trying out it's awesome new features :-) The final release date is not scheduled yet, but we are planning to do it this summer (depending on users feedback).
  22. Hi E-Hounds! I can confirm that the process of resolving IP addresses in "Case URL" parameter could suffer from randomization. This is something we will fix in upcoming release. We will also allow for overriding this parameter with domain name or computer's network name. As to the "authentication loop", I believe we have seen this before on Chrome browser. Firefox and Internet Explorer (9+) shouldn't have this issue. Despite this, we have already changed authentication scheme for Connect and that should eliminate the problem. This change will be available for Beta 2 (coming out soon!). In the meantime, here is what you can use for interim solution (I'm assuming you are using Chrome): The best option is to clear the browser cache while any of the Connect's tabs are closed. This action is available in Chrome options or by using CTRL + SHIFT + DELETE. It would be the best if you could clean the whole cache, but that might not be appropriate for some users, as this would remove all the cookies and stored passwords for all the pages. Please use your own best judgment here. After doing this, when you open up admin page again, you should be asked for credentials just once. You can always use Incognito Mode (CTRL + SHIFT + N) in order to start new browser window without any cached data. This should help you to get pass the authentication dialog. You can try to use different browser (like Firefox) to only run the admin page and share a case, then switch back to Chrome for case reviewing. I think one of those options will help you out. If not, please let us know so that I can further assist you with that. As I said, the problem will be gone with Beta 2. Best regards, Łukasz
  23. Hi Walt! I understand your problem with Facet scrolling now. I've never noticed this before, as the problem surfaces only in just few web browsers (Firefox and IE). Definitely this is undesired behavior and we will make it consistent across all supported browsers. Thanks for the concrete use case of tags hierarchy. That sheds some light on the issue. Indeed, your proposal makes a lot of sense, but of course it is specific to organisations and their particular work flows. I will bring up this topic with the rest of the organisation and see if there will be a room for it in future releases of Intella and Intella Connect. Best regards, Łukasz
  24. Hi Walt! To address your questions: SSL support is under way. It should be available with next release of Connect (Beta 2) Facets scrolling indeed works as you have described. This is by design, but we could think about changing that if it proves to be annoying. Could you elaborate more about tree structure for tags? What is the particular use case for this feature?
  25. dlast, indeed we will be working on introducing some restrictions to user actions depending on the role/group to which this particular user is assigned to. Having that, admin could restrict access to certain actions and/or items in Case. Is this what you were referring to? If you have any other use case of interest in mind, then please let us know. We appreciate users' ideas!
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