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Add fields to reports


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Is it possible to add fields to those listed automaticall in the reports?


I see I can create custom naming conventions to add tags etc to the file names generated, but ideally I'd like to have the tags listed in the report rather than the name itself (or other fields added to the report as well).


Is this currently possible?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Adam,


Do you mean exporting to PDF? You can add a tag list to the exported PDF and exclude all other properties via "Select properties..." dialog on the "PDF rendering options" page. But the item header (file name or email subject) is always added to the PDF unless you select "Do not include any metadata" check box.

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No I'm talking about when you "export highlighted results" then go in to the report format, more specifically the HTML reports that are generated. The only way I can figure out to get the tags displayed is to use the custom naming feature of the report and use %tags.


This is okay when there is only one or two tags for a file, but if there are 10 then it could become unweildy very quickly. If there was an option to add fields to the report itself then the tags could appear independant of the file name. For example currently when I export emails these are the fields displayed:

  • Link to original format ******
  • Subject   Source outlook.ost (3) Location  
  • Item ID 298902
  • Type message/rfc822
  • MD5 385173ad3de5dfb23938e017a553e376
  • Message Hash 1fe08b6a699ded5857604eb1a583b453
  • Content created Aug 9, 2013 10:32:57 AM WST
  • Sent Aug 9, 2013 10:32:56 AM WST
  • Received Aug 9, 2013 10:32:57 AM WST
  • From  *****
  • To, Cc, Bcc ******

I've blanked out a couple of fields here, but what I'm getting at is the abiliyt to cusomize this to some extent and add in tags or comments as required....or can I already do that and I'm looking in the wrong place?


Also while I'm on reports, hyperlinks aren't working when exporting reports to CSV, not sure if I'm missing a tick in the box here either but CSV is a nice way to do up reports, easy to search and alter display order but having to manually enter hyperlinks is just not pheasable.

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At the moment the contents of the reports is not configurable. That is actually why we made the CSV report, so that you'd at least have one report format that you can easily edit afterwards, e.g. by deleting or processing entire columns at once, or writing a script that converts it into something else. Making the report configurable is on our wishlist though.


We will look into that CSV link issue.

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Dear Adam,


we had a look into CSV reports and they seem completely fine. You see, CSVs being plain text files themselves cannot offer "click to follow a link" capabilities. This is offered as a part of word processor that you are using to read/parse CSVs (like MS Excel or MS Word).


What column in CSV were you referring to as "hyperlinks"? Was that URI by any chance? If so, then some further clarification is in place. URIs are not really hyperlinks, although they have similar syntax. URIs are simply identifiers and should not be confused with regular hyperlinks as they usual do not have any actions associated with them.


Now, despite mentioned facts you could achieve some sort of "click to open a file" hyperlink in MS Excel but that requires some modifications of spread sheet. For instance, you could create a new column and use the Excel functions to concatenate following prefix string with the value of "Native" column: "file://PATH_TO_YOUR_EXPORT_DIR\". An example: "file://D:\exports\csv_test\Original format\folder1\my_file.docx". That will advise Excel to treat this new column as a hyperlink and open the file with appropriate application.

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Thanks Lukasz, you are correct in that I was referring to the column which lists the URL's, the heading is "Native", I was mistakenly thinking these were hyperlinks as they detail the path to the file stored in the 'original folder' which is created as part of the report process.


The only way I knew of turning that into a hyperlink to the file was to right click on each file individually, select hyperlink and then manually navigate to the file.


I'm not overly skilled at Excel so when I have a few minutes I'll see if I can use that process to create a new hyperlink column. Could I just use the existing URL column and add a prefix to each line? I'm looking for a semi automated process where I create one prefix or one formula, then copy and apply to an entire column.

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You can achieve what you want by doing the following steps (this is all Excel usage, not really related to Intella that much):

  1. Create a blank column next to the "Native" column and call it "Hyperlink"
  2. Select a cell in the first row of this new column and enter following Excel formula: =HYPERLINK(CONCATENATE("file://";"C:\Users\lukas_000\Desktop\export\";C2))
    (Look for description of colors below. Some swapping will be necessary here to match your case.)
  3. Press Enter
  4. At this point this cell should become "clickable hyperlink".
  5. While having the same cell selected, please locate the small black rectangle in the bottom right corner of Cell Selection (drawn around the cell).
  6. Click on this rectangle and drag the selection down to the bottom of every row in your CSV. This will copy the formula to the rest of the cells in the "Hyperlink" column, and it will automatically adjust the cell counter (C2) to match appropriate rows (C3, C4, etc.)
  7. After that you should have hyperlink ready for every item in your CSV.


  • C:\Users\lukas_000\Desktop\export\ --- this is parent folder of "Original format". So it was exactly the same folder for into which you have exported your data. DO NOT forget about trailing backslash.
  • C2 - this is the cell index read as "Column C, row number 2". This should represent the first cell in the "Native" column. In your CSV it might be different index, but I'm sure you will be able to track it down easily.

Attached you will find a screenshot of final results of those steps for me.


Best regards,





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  • 4 years later...

I found this thread from a forum search, though it is quite dated (2013). I am also interested in being able to customize the fields displayed in the report file(s) generated after exporting using the "export highlighted results". Is this still not customizable/configurable?

Thank you.

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