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Posts posted by ŁukaszBachman

  1. This forum may not be a good place to get into too much details about the basics of SSL, but since you are an active member I'd like to help out a little :) So some basics below:

    • you start with generating a key pair (private & public). That pair contains some information about your identity (like domain name, street, city, state, country, etc.)
    • then you generate a CSR (Certificate Signing Request) for this unique keypair. This step assures that you don't hand off your private key to a 3rd party which will do the signing. This 3rd party is called Certificate Authority. Some corporations having large IT departments use in-house CAs, but most of the world uses public CAs (like GoDaddy). CSRs are temporary in this entire process. Once CA signs your cert (next step), it will have no further use.
    • the CA signs your CSR with their own public key. This is like a stamp of approval saying "we trust this company, and if we ever stop trusting them we will invoke their certificate". This helps to establish a chain of trust where bigger, more trust worthy institutions acknowledge the authenticity of smaller entities.
    • in reply, CA will now send you your SSL certificate as well as some of their own certificates (usually two) that form the upper portion of the chain of trust
    • at this point you have all you need: your private key, your certificate (which is tightly relate to your keys via CSR) and a few extra certs of CAs. All this information allows for the traffic to be encrypted and for the validation of the chain of trust.
    • in Connect (and other Java applications) all these are kept in a keystore, which is like an encrypted database to keep everything safe

    So, knowing those basics, let's get back to your question.

    Do I need to use my OLD private key, or can I generate a new one?

    Yes, you can re-use your old keys to generate new CSRs and obtain new certificates.

    However, if you are creating a new keystore in Connect UI it will ask you do you want to start from scratch (new keypair is then generated) or do you want to import existing ones (in case you already purchased a certificate before you started Connect integration).

    I personally prefer to create a new keystores from scratch each year, which I consider safer than relying on same keys for many years.

    Hope that helps!

  2. Yes,  you can create a new certificate from scratch, but you always need to have private key.

    My standard procedure is more or less the following:

    • I try to do this a couple of weeks in advance, to avoid stressful situations when I'm tight on time
    • I'm always in posses of a private/public key pair. I am very rigorous about it, saving them in encrypted & password protected database.
    • Whenever I need to re-issue a certificate, I will create a new keystore using Intella Connect UI and will provide my private & public key pair.
    • I later generate CSR, submit it to CA for signing.
    • Then I include certs I got in reply by adding them through Connect UI (intermediates & root).
    • I verify that keystore looks OK in Connect UI, and later activate it.

    This gives me the option to use any CA for signing because I am always in control of my key pair.


    BTW, if you ever need to troubleshoot Java Keystores, this is a nifty tool: http://keystore-explorer.org/ It allows to inspect/modify/convert anything related to keystores or certs.

  3. Yeah I agree with your comments. It's not easy to pull off due to some of the facets rendering potentially very large datasets. But with better 3rd party library support we are getting closer to implement this consistently. I'll check the ticket and will try to re-evaluate this in the next version. Can't  make promises, though.

  4. Hi, fully agree. This is another thing that we wish to have in one of future releases. Case templates may allow you to transfer certain preferences between cases, but a lot of UI-specific settings are still kept in the browser, which means they won't be transferred. The general idea that we have is to allow those user "profiles" to be synced with the server and maybe even something that admin users could control (like setting default profile for all users0.

  5. Hi Armin,

    It's best to start analysis by reading case logs for any obvious issues that could explain it. See this thread Reading and interpreting log files - Intella 10, 100, 250, Pro and TEAM - Vound Forum (vound-software.com) We would likely ask you to supply those anyhow, so it's usually best to read them yourself first as sometimes you can fix the issue yourself. Then, if you are still unsure as to the cause, open a support ticket where we can assist you further.

  6. Hello Lucas,

    Thanks for sharing your feedback!


    Use Intella Nodes to run tasks (threading and OCR) on shared cases.

    I agree that this would be handy to have. We are already working on the architecture of this feature, but it is a big task so the development will span several versions.



    Ability to pause/stop active case tasks and viewing their progress/estimated time of completion.

    We would like to simplify and unify running case tasks and background tasks. This is another piece of work that simply awaits in our tasks list.



    Report tab:...

    Having extra options would be good, I agree, but at the same time we don't want to make this overly complicated tasks and duplicate advanced searching options we already have in Search tab. Perhaps a better way to go about it would be to run your query in Search tab and allow it to be "moved" to the Report tab, ie. "Export results > Report > New report".



    Add more limiting visualization options for specific user roles on batches: Deny access to “Preview item” on the three dots button; On the “Preview” visualization remove any printing options; Remove the “Apply to all emails in this email’s thread” option below the coding layout.

    Can you list few use cases for all those specific permissions you have in mind? Ex. I can't recall visiting any website where I wouldn't be allowed to print the contents of the website I'm seeing using browser's native print dialog. I understand that this may come out of need to restrict what user can do with privileged items, but still I'd appreciate a bit of clarification on that.

    About the last one (email threading): note that this is possible already by revoking the "Can apply coding decision to all emails in a thread" permission from a specific Role.



    Provide built-in support for HCL/IBM Notes processing

    Do you mean that you'd like to avoid having to install Notes on Nodes? We'd love that too, but there is no proper tooling available for that yet, and I doubt there will ever be one. So unless this changes we need to stick to relying on native Notes installation.

  7. Hi Juliana,

    At the moment the only place where you can see it is the items list inside the review console (on the left). I understand that this may not be enough, so we are making some plans for that information to be visible in Search and Previewer as a part of item's metadata. That will take some time to implement, though.

    An short term solution I'm considering is to allow for that information to be exported to CSV on demand. Would that help? 

    Also, can you tell me what exactly do you need it for? Understanding your requirements better may help me to offer a better solution. Thanks!

  8. Hi Juliana,

    If your goal is to use existing responsiveness designation to kick-start the learning process of a Predictive Coding algorithm, then this is certainly possible. As an example: if you already have 1000 items coded as responsive/non-responsive and you wish to create a new PC workflow for a different set of items, say 400, then what you can do is to select all 400 items plus a reasonable chunk of already coded items (ex. 10 responsive and 10 non-responsive) and create new PC review. Intella Connect will build a model for those 420 items and train the model based on the 20 items you already have coded. The result will be a model which should already better differentiate between responsive and non-responsive items for the new data.

    The relevancy score is not yet a separate field/column that you could see in items table or export, but we are planning to add it soon.

    • Thanks 1
  9. Hi guys,

    We have added two extensions which should offer some interesting improvements in this area.

    1. Optional rendering of Coding Fields in multiple columns.
    2. A new type of coding field called "Multi select"

    Both are presented in a short video I'm attaching to this post. A preview of this functionality is presented below:



    The Multi Select field type may be especially usefull when you are dealing with a long list of potential options, but you use this field rarely and/or you want to hide that complexity away.


    Please let me know what you think.

    multi select.zip

  10. Vound is pleased to announce the official release of Intella and Intella Connect 2.4.1.

    Intella and Intella Connect 2.4.1 are available from the Downloads section in the Vound Support Portal, after logging in with your email address and password. Users with a 2.3.x license need to use the Dongle Manager to update their dongle to the 2.4.x license.

    Please read the Release Notes before installing or upgrading, to ensure you do not affect any active cases.


    • Added a top-level Sources tab, adding the ability to (re)index individual sources.
    • Added support for Microsoft Teams.
    • Notable improvements for processing BitLocker images and NSF files.
    • Indexing and case merging/exporting performance improvements.
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