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Posts posted by ŁukaszBachman

  1. Hello uscheerbaum,

    This can happen in some circumstances, but it depends highly on the type of evidence you are processing. One possible reason of such behavior is Intella running a recovery of deleted mail in a large PST file. This is rather CPU intensive process, which may not necessarily yield large count of items. That would explain why the graph flattens at the end.

    A rule of thumb when diagnosing behavior like this is monitoring case logs and hardware usage. If CPU is still busy running even one java.exe process and logs suggest that Intella is doing something, then there is no reason to panic. If you see that nothing new gets logged over long period of time and CPU is idle, you may want to address that by issuing us a support ticket.

  2. Hi Bryan,

    It's true that the output of CMD when processing tasks could be improved, however there is also another option available. Instead of analyzing the output in the console, you might preffer to open case logs and monitor the progress there. Here is a snippet showing when OCRing is starting, progressing and finishing:

    [INFO ] 2019-03-28 13:40:07,100 [CrawlThread] Total page count: 101
    [INFO ] 2019-03-28 13:40:07,109 [CrawlThread] Started OCRing 101 items. Using: ABBYY FineReader Engine
    [INFO ] 2019-03-28 13:40:07,109 [CrawlThread] Settings:
        Profile: Accuracy
        Export format: Plain text
        Languages: English
        Number of workers: 10
        Detect page orientation: true
        Correct inverted images: true
        Skip OCRed: true
    [WARN ] 2019-03-28 13:40:07,115 [CrawlThread] Skipped encrypted content item: 1373
    [INFO ] 2019-03-28 13:40:07,116 [OcrServiceProcessor1] OCRing item: 1243
    [INFO ] 2019-03-28 13:40:07,116 [OcrServiceProcessor2] OCRing item: 1244
    [INFO ] 2019-03-28 13:40:32,470 [CrawlThread] Collecting OCR crawl results
    [INFO ] 2019-03-28 13:40:32,619 [CrawlThread] Collected 0 records.
    [INFO ] 2019-03-28 13:40:32,620 [CrawlThread] Importing OCRed text and extracted entities
    [INFO ] 2019-03-28 13:40:32,889 [CrawlThread] Imported OCR text into 150 items.
    [INFO ] 2019-03-28 13:40:32,938 [CrawlThread] Updating OCR database
    [INFO ] 2019-03-28 13:40:33,182 [CrawlThread] Finished OCR. Total time: 0:26. Items processed: 99

    You could of course monitor the entire log, or perhaps use some command line programs to grep their contents live for regular expressions of your choosing. That way you can only get information about OCR process itself.

    As for the second question about preserving temporary files generated during OCRing. It looks like a risky operation for me and if one is not careful enough, it may produce errors which would be very hard to find. Fortunately, it shouldn't be needed once we extend Intella so that it re-applies OCRed text to duplicated items discovered when new sources are being added. This is already on our radar.

    • Like 1
  3. Server side profiles for users are subject of another feature that we have on our roadmap. As for now they will be stored in browser's storage, so it will be tied to the browser that user is using.

    Good comment though, it may make me bump the priority of those persistent user profiles in the next release.

    • Like 1
  4. Hello dgilbert002,

    You will be happy to hear that those extensions are currently being worked on and are scheduled for the next version of Intella Connect. Things which will change:

    1. Each facet will receive a unique icon visible next to the facet name.
    2. Facets will be sortable with drag&drop.
    3. One will be allowed to permanently pin facets to a static container (making them visible all the time).
    4. Panels related to facets UI will be resizable.
    5. One will be allowed to hide/show selected facets on demand.

    Any other ideas are welcome!

  5. Vound is pleased to announce the official release of Intella and Intella Connect 2.2.2.

    Intella and Intella Connect 2.2.2 are available from the Downloads section in the Vound Support Portal, after logging in with your email address and password. Users with a 2.1.x license need to use the Dongle Manager to update their dongle to the 2.2.x license.

    Please read the Release Notes before installing or upgrading, to ensure you do not affect any active cases.


    • Indexing improvements, including support for Outlook for Mac OLM files.
    • Configurable message hashing algorithm, letting the user control the degree of deduplication on email messages.
    • Extended command-line arguments, allowing for better automation.
    • Various redaction improvements, including setting the redaction rectangle’s color. The redaction functionalities added in the 2.2.1 version are now also available in remote cases.
  6. Hi Jason,

    I made a mistake and used term "Closed" when I meant "Completed". I will update my previous post.

    We are also looking into supporting other sort orders, I haven't mentioned it here because it is not relevant for the original thread. If all goes well we should add this feature in next release.

    As for the progress recalculation - do you think a button "Recalculate progress" could work here? 

  7. Just a quick update - we are starting development of few extensions in this area. These are:

    1. New permission: users with special permission will be able to reopen their own batches and later close (mark as Completed) them manually.
    2. New permission: users with special permission will be able to reopen batches assigned to any user and later close (mark as Completed) them manually.
    3. New permission: users with special permission will be able to mark batch as Completed regardless of previous status (with an exception of Archived status)
    4. New permission: users with special permission will be restricted to seeing only batches assigned to them, therefore working in isolated mode where they case manager can only assign them batches. They will also not be able to grab unassigned batches by themselves.
    5. Modification: users with "CAN_CHANGE_BATCH_ASSIGNEE" permission will be able to reassign batch regardless of the status (allowing for completed batches to be reassigned) 
    6. Modification: batch creation dialog will be extended with an option allowing to skip initial calculation of batch progress upon its creation. This will allow for new batches to be created for the same set of items using the same coding layout as previously, without automatically marking the newly created batch as Completed. 

    Note: status of batches in "Reopened" state will not be automatically recalculated. Therefore if you reopen a batch then the only way to complete it will be to click on "Complete" button.

    If you have further suggestions I'm all ears. Thanks for feedback!

  8. On 11/21/2018 at 4:53 PM, Vince said:

    Did you by any chance ever find the source of your Error 504 AdamS? We are experiencing the same issues with searching by keyword list. Thanks

    Vince, maybe your keyword search is too complex to be evaluated in 3 minutes timeout. The solution might be to split it into smaller chunks or reduce the complexity (by eliminating excessive use of wildcards, for instance). There might also be a way out by bumping the timeout parameter to a higher value.

  9. Hi Dale,

    I'll need to think where to fit this in in our roadmap. Have you done any research about this topic already? I know that oauth is a well defined standard, but does being "oauth compliant" means that Connect could be configured with few params to work with either FB, Google or any other prioprietary implementation? So I guess it should be similar to LDAP integration in this regard.

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