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  1. When exporting a set of documents as a single PDF, it would be brilliant if Intella could either: Add a table of contents at the start of the document with clickable hyperlinks to each document or Add bookmarks for each document
  2. I have a couple of things to throw into the mix: I run two monitors for most of my PCs. The case selection menu/screen seems to remember which screen it was last on, but the main program ALWAYS loads on my "primary" Windows monitor. Is there a setting I'm missing; something buried in a config file that would allow it to re-open in the "last" position? We have a new lawyer in our organisation who has used used a competitor's tool in their last job, and they were enthusing about a feature it had which essentially allows a person to take items and relate them to "Facts" which are then assembled together to create a specific sequence of events. Simple example: you find an email that has text in it which says "oh yeah I was at the NBA match last night" which you can then pivot off and create a "fact" object (Subject at NBA match) and attribute things like a date or even a specific timestamp. You could then also relate the Identity I suppose. Ultimately you then can select a bunch of these "facts" and export them out as a list or even a basic chart. This is something we basically already do in Excel alongside Intella, so having it all tied into the interface would be a good efficiency boost. I have no idea if something like this would be of interest to other users, or if I'm missing a feature already in the tool that would already accomplish something close to this? The next maturity level feature of that module is that you can then use these "fact" objects to tie into planned interview questions/answers. This may be taking the feature-set closer to an "Investigation" tool as opposed to eDiscovery for the user base? The interview questions bit I could take or leave, but the "Facts" objects are pretty useful by the sounds of it when building out a sequence of events.
  3. No worries Marco - good to know the options. I'll need to speak to our case management system provider to see if they can watch folders - I suspect not at this stage. Thanks
  4. Hi all, My organisation is not yet using Connect, but it's currently our planned future state once we have an ICT environment that allows me to use it. Our investigators and legal team use a case management system that is also accessed via web browser. My understanding (from having a look at the Connect Reviewer manual) is that exports are handled similarly to Pro in terms of how you want the output files to be treated, and the output is a zip file that is shipped off to the browser's download functionality? Our case management system supports Drag-and-Drop from the local filesystem. Which leads me to wonder whether it could be possible to Drag from Connect and Drop directly into the case management system? If so, this should make the task of saving relevant documents into the case management system a bit quicker/easier for individual files? I'm very far from a web developer - is this even possible? I just opened a OneDrive tab and an online Outlook tab and tried to Drag/Drop a file from OneDrive to an email and it didn't work, so maybe it's just not technically possible?
  5. That's odd - I've just done a test and I get all that metadata in the PDF render - v2.6.0.3. Is your "type" listed as "Calendar/vCalendar File" ? My settings are pretty close to default I'd think (I clicked all the "Configure" boxes and in all of them everything was selected):
  6. If you're only looking at email data, you might consider "agent:" as well You will get more results as it returns those hits in document metadata, but you can also just limit the search to Type>Communication>Email as well?
  7. This is directly related to my recent post as it would give me a pretty decent option in that situation to accomplish what I need, but can see how it would be useful in other situations too. I would love another grouping in the facet which groups the email addresses by domain gmail.com (10,000) hotmail.com (7,500) hotmail.co.uk (2,222) Cheers!
  8. If it's simpler to implement, instead of having to do it make changes to the main GUI, you could maybe expose the options into their own config file which would be read on program execution, like how you can go in and change the debug level in logback.xml I daresay most people wouldn't be wanting to play around with it to much - either purely alphabetical, or favs at the top and then alphabetical, etc - they'd probably figure out what works for them best in a couple of iterations and never have to touch it again The other place that could make sense (without having to change the main GUI would be to add it as a tab in Preferences where you could drag and drop the order
  9. Hi Brains Trust - just throwing this out there in case someone smarter than I can figure this out, because I've been going over it for an hour and am giving up! I have a case with primarily PST files as the source material. We have 6 "subgroups of interest" based on email domains. Emails To @domain1 Emails From @domain1 Emails To @domain2 Emails From @domain2 Emails To all other domains Emails From all other domains 2, 4 and 6 are simple - restrict to Type>Email and use the Check boxes in the search "Options" to filter From/Sender on domain1 and tag #2, filter on domain2 and tag #4, exclude those 2 tags and the remainder is #6 Likewise 1 and 3 are simple - use the Check boxes in the search "Options" to filter To/CC/BCC on domain1 and tag #1, filter on domain2 and tag #2 Where it gets tricky is that any given email can be To/CC/BCC multiple domains. Tags groups #1 and #3 will already include emails that were also sent to any other domain as well as the domain of interest (and this is ok, we're happy for this - if we want only that domain we can mess with recipient count, To only, etc). I can't just exclude #1 and #3 and tag the remainder as #5 as there are emails in #1 and #3 that have also been sent to "other domains". The only way I can think of to do this is to use the "Email Address" facet and expand "All Receivers" and manually ctrl click to select the "all other" addresses. There are the two filtering options down the bottom of that pane where I know I can put in say @domain1 but that filters to include that domain, I tried "!@domain1" and "not:domain1" to try to do a negative filter on the list but that didn't work. There are some 553k addresses in "Email Address" > "All Receivers" so the manual approach is not, shall we say, "appealing" or "tenable". Has anyone had to solve this problem before or can think of a way to do this? Cheers!
  10. I'm getting a 404 error for the EXE link on the downloads page actually
  11. I re-indexed the sources in both source cases (remembering I'm using a Compound case here) I also re-OCR'd the items in both source cases, however I believe it was set to skip items already OCR'd. I then opened the compound case and searched the phrase again and it still did not return the PDF I expected I then re-OCR'd the item itself directly (while in the compound case), and that did then enable the PDF to be returned in the phrase search Is this intended and should be an extra step in the case conversion steps, or is this a bug and the PDF should have been responsive without having to re-OCR it?
  12. Hi David, I found a PDF in one of my test cases that has a DJI Drone user guide that has the % symbol present many times (where it is talking about battery life) When I check the "words" tab, just the numbers are present - ie the manual shows "88%", but the index just has "88" recorded. I suspect that the index just discards the symbols entirely.
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