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Apply filters to auto tag process


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The auto tag keyword process is the best thing since sliced bread....well it could be ;)


If the ability to apply some filters to that process was added then it definitely would be, I'm thinking specifically dedupe and one other facet filter,the same way we can when viewing. Add before tag then away you go.

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No problems, currently if we select auto tag it's an 'all in' option, meaning we can't be selective on which files will be tagged.


Lets say I want to apply a list of 100 keywords to emails only and I'm not interested in duplicate emails. If I import the keyword list now, highlight and select auto-tag it kicks off and does it's thing, tagging every file type including duplicates.

I then have to go through and remove all the tags from dupes and other types manually to bring me back to the review set that is needed.


Ideally if after we select the 'auto-tag' option a window would open with some more options such as 'dedupe before applying tags' 'limit tags to certain file types' and optionally only a single tag for any item. This would mean that regardless of how many keywords may be responsive to any file, only the first hit returned would actually be tagged. This last one is not something that should be default by any means as there will be times when you want to see all responsive hits, however in some instances you don't.

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