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With the backup process would it be possible to expand the functionality of this slightly, to either take on an incremental approach, so it's only backing up the files that have changed since the last backup, or have the ability to dump the backups into some sort of folder structure for each case.


By that I mean lets say I have a case called "client A", when I back that case up for the first time after I select the backup location Intealla automatically creates a simple folder structure:

"Client A" subfolder "230215_1336" and dumps the backup in that folder.


Next time I backup the same case Intella checks the backup location for a parent folder the same name as the case, Client A in this case, seeing the folder already exists it creates a new sub folder with the date/time and dumps the backup there.


That way we will have the ability to go back in time as it were to earlier stages of the case.


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Hi Adam!


Good points, I could see both features being nice to have. With the structural approach, wouldn't you be worried about the disk space that it might require? Also, how to combine it with automatic backups? In this case making such "daily snapshots" could explode the amount of disk space required.

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Yes size could quickly become an issue with the structured approach, I didn't think along those lines.


However a incremental approach would give much the same and not require much more disk space by comparison, and would have the added advantage of being able to restore to a given day/time based on the incremental schedule.

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Yes, that would be the most useful thing to do. However, it's also the most complex one :-) Keeping track of incremental changes applied to various databases (and we use quite a few) is a lot of work.

Let me flip the question and ask - did you ever get into a situation where current backup procedure did not work or wasn't feasible anymore?

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The current backup feature is definitely usable and there are no problems really, it was more the time involved for the backup to happen. I was trying to think of a way that this process could be sped up but then I wasn't considering some other factors like the complexity etc.


Certainly something that we can live without, but if some crazy programmer thinks of a way to make it happen it would definitely be a great addition :)

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