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Wish list/suggestions V2


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  • 4 months later...

I have a couple of things to throw into the mix:

  1. I run two monitors for most of my PCs. The case selection menu/screen seems to remember which screen it was last on, but the main program ALWAYS loads on my "primary" Windows monitor. Is there a setting I'm missing; something buried in a config file that would allow it to re-open in the "last" position?
  2. We have a new lawyer in our organisation who has used used a competitor's tool in their last job, and they were enthusing about a feature it had which essentially allows a person to take items and relate them to "Facts" which are then assembled together to create a specific sequence of events.
    Simple example: you find an email that has text in it which says "oh yeah I was at the NBA match last night" which you can then pivot off and create a "fact" object (Subject at NBA match) and attribute things like a date or even a specific timestamp. You could then also relate the Identity I suppose.
    Ultimately you then can select a bunch of these "facts" and export them out as a list or even a basic chart.
    This is something we basically already do in Excel alongside Intella, so having it all tied into the interface would be a good efficiency boost.
    I have no idea if something like this would be of interest to other users, or if I'm missing a feature already in the tool that would already accomplish something close to this?
    The next maturity level feature of that module is that you can then use these "fact" objects to tie into planned interview questions/answers. This may be taking the feature-set closer to an "Investigation" tool as opposed to eDiscovery for the user base? The interview questions bit I could take or leave, but the "Facts" objects are pretty useful by the sounds of it when building out a sequence of events.
Edited by ShaunC
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  • 3 months later...

When exporting a set of documents as a single PDF, it would be brilliant if Intella could either:

  • Add a table of contents at the start of the document with clickable hyperlinks to each document


  • Add bookmarks for each document
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