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Everything posted by markjrouse

  1. Hi AdamS, thanks for this. I had original thought of having my datasets within custodian named folders, it's just that it would be easier to issolate a particular custodian's data if there was a option to select only the custodian I want within Intella through a facet. Your suggestion seems like a good work around though. I'll try your suggestion. I had thought about taken screen shots of the statistics screen but it only gives the top 10 items. In my experience, if I have got x number of documents/items in my case, legal review teams will want to know how x exactly breaks down. I have found this to be especially true when we receive native data from the client, and before we produce to the regulator we need to ensure we have received everything the client says we should have. The saved search is a very good idea, and a key feature, especially when you share a case with other colleagues.
  2. Have used Intella on a live investigation, and must say am impressed with the tool. I have a couple of suggestions for some proposed changes: When I add a new source evidence, it would be good if I can associate that evidence with a custodian. So for example, if I am adding 5 or 6 pst files to my case, I need a way to identifying the relevant custodian for that file. Maybe another text box on the source name dialogue box, and an additional field added to the details pane. From being able to associate a custodian with a source file, it would be good if under the location facet I could organise evidence by custodian, and not just the name of the file. To extend the search query syntax to add in commands for facets and included/exclude commands. So for example "john -Johnson AND facet-type:email AND exclude facet-tag:privilege". Extending the search query syntax would allow the sharing of search strings with other colleagues without having to explain type this, click that, in order to get the same results. Add an export to csv check box option to allow for the inclusion of message body data. At the moment I can get the usual to, Cc, bcc, subject etc. fields from emails when exporting table as a csv but it would be nice to include the body of the message as well. The ability to export a full listing of the statistics. The stats provide a very useful early case assessment of what's in my case file, and it would be nice to share this information with our colleagues and legal review teams.
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