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Boolean logic question

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I have a question about the logic of the query below:

("TR?S" OR "3") ("PORCENTO" OR "PERCENTO" OR "%") ("JOS?" OR "PAULO")  

With this search, when I open an e-mail and click on Highlight hits, it counts and show a hit with just the term "3" (Chapter 3, for example). Shouldn't be highlighting just if there was a full match like "3% PAULO", as it is based on three AND conditions? 

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To find these words in a sequence, a phrase pattern should be used:

"(tr?s OR 3) (porcento OR percento) (jos? OR paulo)"

Note that I omitted the clause with the singe % character, because it cannot be searched alone.



With this search, when I open an e-mail and click on Highlight hits

Can you please elaborate a bit on what "click on Highlight hits" means? Intella UI does not have a button or other element named like this. The hits are highlighted automatically in the Previewer window when a keyword search result is opened.

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Thank you for the feedback, Alex.
Actually what I want is finding a match of any term from the 3 conditions in a sequential order. For example: TRES PORCENTO PAULO in a document (doesn't matter if there are double quotes on them). So if I try "(tr?s OR 3) (porcento OR percento) (jos? OR paulo)" I will look for the conditions as one string, which is not what I want. Below there is an example of what I do not want to have from the query ("TR?S" OR "3") ("PORCENTO" OR "PERCENTO" OR "%") ("JOS?" OR "PAULO")

It returned 3 três highlighted while I was looking for highlighting something such as 3 PORCENTO JOSE. 

About the Highlight hits, it is exactly what you replied. Sorry for not explaining it clearly. 

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