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Leave tag preferences expanded by default

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When adding or removing tags, I think it would be helpful to have the tag preferences displayed by default when the window opens. That way we could have a visual reminder of what preferences are currently set, without having to click "Override tag preferences." That said, I think it would make sense to have the options greyed out and un-editable until the "override" box is checked.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Lukasz,

Yes, I find that I'm changing tagging strategies often, especially when preparing to export documents to a review platform. For example, most of my clients prefer that I exclude those annoying .GIFs and .PNGs that are often attached to emails and are nothing more than a logo from a signature block. In that situation, I'll tag them and their duplicates with an "exclude" tag. On the other hand, clients also often ask that I pre-mark items as potentially privileged. In that case, I'll switch to tagging families.

But even if I don't switch often, I still find myself checking the "Override" box just so I can see what the current settings are.

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