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Intella Latest Version


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Vound is pleased to announce the official release of Intella and Intella Connect 2.4.

Intella and Intella Connect 2.4 are available from the Downloads section in the Vound Support Portal, after logging in with your email address and password. Users with a 2.3.x license need to use the Dongle Manager to update their dongle to the 2.4 license.

Please read the Release Notes before installing or upgrading, to ensure you do not affect any active cases.


  • Added support for indexing AFF4 and VHDX files.
  • Added support for Volume Shadow Copies (VSS) data.
  • Considerable improvements in indexing MS Exchange EDB files.
  • Added support for Oxygen 12 and 13 reports.
  • Added detection of near-duplicates.
  • Sources can filter on file type, reducing indexing time and disk space used.
  • Cloud sources can filter by date range, reducing the acquisition time needed.
  • Added custodian-based deduplication and family-based deduplication.
  • Added highlighting and listing of Content Analysis entities in the Previewer.
  • Performance and scalability improvements across the board.
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  • 3 months later...

Vound is pleased to announce the official release of Intella and Intella Connect 2.4.1.

Intella and Intella Connect 2.4.1 are available from the Downloads section in the Vound Support Portal, after logging in with your email address and password. Users with a 2.3.x license need to use the Dongle Manager to update their dongle to the 2.4.x license.

Please read the Release Notes before installing or upgrading, to ensure you do not affect any active cases.


  • Added a top-level Sources tab, adding the ability to (re)index individual sources.
  • Added support for Microsoft Teams.
  • Notable improvements for processing BitLocker images and NSF files.
  • Indexing and case merging/exporting performance improvements.
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  • 3 months later...

Vound is pleased to announce the official release of Intella and Intella Connect 2.4.2.

Intella and Intella Connect 2.4.2 are available from the Support section on the Vound website, after logging in with your Dongle ID and organization name. Users with a 2.3.x license need to use the Dongle Manager to update their dongle to the 2.4.x license.

Please read the Release Notes before installing or upgrading, to ensure you do not affect any active cases.


  • Added support for X-Ways images (CTR and E01 files).
  • Added the ability to edit source settings.
  • Added a case log analysis utility, providing instant insight into common case errors.
  • Added support for displaying HEIC/HEIF images.
  • IntellaCmd.exe can now handle keystore information.
  • Faster creation of ICF files.
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  • 6 months later...

Vound is pleased to announce the official release of Intella and Intella Connect 2.5.

Intella and Intella Connect 2.5 are available from the Support section on the Vound website, after logging in with your Dongle ID and organization name. Users with a 2.4.x license need to use the Dongle Manager to update their dongle to the 2.5.x license.

Please read the Release Notes before installing or upgrading, to ensure you do not affect any active cases.


  • Added compound cases, for instantly bundling two or more cases into a single case.
  • Upload cases to an Intella Connect server.
  • Various improvements to indexing stability and crawl process monitoring.
  • Usability improvements in chat message presentation.
  • Added two-factor authentication (2FA) and single-sign on (SSO) support in Intella Viewer.
  • Added indexing of AFF4-L logical images.
  • Added indexing of Relativity RSMF files.
  • Added indexing of HWPX documents.
  • Improved near-duplicate processing with faster and improved results.
  • Improved rendering of emojis.
  • Added sentiment analysis, for detecting very negatively or positively worded texts.
  • Added support for nesting phrase and proximity queries.
  • Exporting to PST no longer relies on MS Outlook.
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  • 3 months later...

Vound is pleased to announce the official release of Intella and Intella Connect 2.5.1.

Intella and Intella Connect 2.5.1 are available from the Support section on the Vound website, after logging in with your Dongle ID and organization name. Users with a 2.4.x license need to use the Dongle Manager to update their dongle to the 2.5.x license.

Please read the Release Notes before installing or upgrading, to ensure you do not affect any active cases.


  • Added compound case support to Intella Viewer.
  • Extended IntellaCmd.exe functionality.
  • Stability and performance improvements.
  • IMPORTANT: Deleted item recovery is now turned OFF by default.
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  • 10 months later...

Vound is pleased to announce the official release of Intella and Intella Connect 2.6.

Furthermore, the 2.6 version introduces a new product - Intella Investigator - that combines functionalities found in Intella TEAM, Intella Connect, and W4. Intella Investigator is ideally suited for teams of investigators, supporting their investigation workflows and case management needs.

Intella, Intella Connect and Intella Investigator 2.6 are available from the Software Downloads section on the Vound website, after logging in with your Dongle ID and organization name. Users with a 2.5.x license need to use the Dongle Manager to update their dongle to the 2.6.x license.

Please read the Release Notes before installing or upgrading, to ensure you do not affect any active cases.


  • Enhance indexing through crawler scripts.
  • Compound case improvements.
  • Added AI-based image categorization and object detection.
  • Added support for changing the thumbnail size, zooming into a specific thumbnail and other thumbnail usability improvements.
  • Added support for video thumbnails.
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  • 6 months later...

Vound is pleased to announce the official release of Intella 2.6.1.

Intella, Intella Connect and Intella Investigator 2.6.1 are available from the Software Downloads section on the Vound website, after logging in with your Dongle ID and organization name. Users with a 2.5.x license need to use the Dongle Manager to update their dongle to the 2.6.x license.

Please read the Release Notes before installing or upgrading, to ensure you do not affect any active cases.


  • Added support for acquiring and indexing S3 buckets.
  • Added support for acquiring and indexing various Google services.
  • Improved the presentation of contacts, meetings, invites and phone calls.
  • Several improvements for exporting to Relativity(One).
  • Command-line support has been extended with options for case conversion, custodians, type filters, various forms of exporting, and more.
  • Case conversion with IntellaCmd.exe no longer requires a license, allowing the task of converting large amounts of cases to be spread across several machines.
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  • 8 months later...

Vound is pleased to announce the official release of Intella 2.7.

Intella, Intella Backpack, Intella Connect and Intella Investigator 2.7 are available from the Software Downloads section on the Vound website, after logging in with your Dongle ID and organization name. Users with a 2.6.x license need to use the Dongle Manager to update their dongle to the 2.7.x license.

Please read the Release Notes before installing or upgrading, to ensure you do not affect any active cases.


  • Introducing Intella Backpack, a free companion product that can open portable cases generated by Intella Professional.
  • Identity improvements, such as mass importing and exporting of identity data.
  • Added exporting to the AFF4-L logical image format.
  • A variety of indexing improvements related to chat messages, e.g. support for Google Chat.
  • Added support for EDRM MIH hashes.
  • Added source filters, letting one filter items based on file name or size.
  • 2 to 5 times faster exporting to PDF and load file formats.
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  • 2 months later...

Vound is pleased to announce the official release of Intella 2.7.1.

Intella, Intella Backpack, Intella Connect and Intella Investigator 2.7.1 are available from the Software Downloads section on the Vound website, after logging in with your Dongle ID and organization name. Users with a 2.6.x license need to use the Dongle Manager to update their dongle to the 2.7.x license.

Please read the Release Notes before installing or upgrading, to ensure you do not affect any active cases.


  • Added Intella Assist, an AI-powered assistant that helps with formulating search queries and reviewing results. It can use OpenAI’s ChatGPT, other OpenAI API-compatible models and local models.
  • Added support for file carving; recovering deleted items from unallocated space in disk images.
  • Added support for acquiring data from Google Meet.
  • Added support for indexing MS Visio VSDX files.
  • Added functionality for repairing broken cases.
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