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Proximity Searches in Intella - A Better Understanding

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Since phrases are not currently supported in proximity searches (fingers crossed that's on the way!), the idea of grouping terms is intriguing.


Your example of  

"(Baxter OR Jason) (article OR paper OR presentation OR public OR report)"~20 

only uses the OR operator.


If what I needed to find was actually any item with BOTH Baxter AND Jason within 20 words of any of the others, would an AND operator in the first group suffice?:

"(Baxter AND Jason) (article OR paper OR presentation OR public OR report)"~20 

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If what I needed to find was actually any item with BOTH Baxter AND Jason within 20 words of any of the others, would an AND operator in the first group suffice?:

"(Baxter AND Jason) (article OR paper OR presentation OR public OR report)"~20 


Unfortunately, it will not work. The AND operator has no meaning within the phrase and proximity searches.  

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  • 2 years later...
  • 5 months later...

I would appreciate some help getting around a proximity search limitation involving a phrase and a term.

An example (one I was provided to search) is: “contact list w/2 Wilson”

They would like all items containing the phrase "contact list" within 2 words of the term Wilson.

Seems simple enough, but I can not get my head around not being able to use nested double quotes < ""contact list" Wilson"~2 >.

Suggestions? Thanks

BTW: I am using Intella Pro 2.4.2

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Hi, I would start with the search for "contact list". I would tag the results, then run a proximity search for "wilson contact"~2 only over those results. 

The limitation is that you could get false positives with this approach. For example, there may be a document that has the phrase "contact list", which is respondent for the first search. But, that same document may also have the word 'contact' within two words of 'wilson' (e.g. something like "I asked him to contact Wilson...."). In this case the proximity search will have a positive hit on this, but, it is not what you are looking for (e.g. "contact list" within two words of Wilson). That said, I think this situation would be very rare given what you are looking for. And. it would be easy to review such a low number of false positives if they occur.

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Hi, some good news, and not so good news. The good news is that we have actually improved proximity searches to do what you need to do. In this example I have searched for  'personal information' within 5 words of 'protected' and this is the result.


The not so good news is that this is a very recent change and it wont be available until the next release (version 2.5). We are aiming for this release in September provided all tasks and testing has been completed. 

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  • 2 years later...

Is the space between two phrases important?
"'Computer Science' 'Electronics Engineering'"~5 yields me 2 results whereas
"'Computer Science''Electronics Engineering'"~5 yields me 3 results.

The second search has no space between the two phrases and what seems to be a double quote between the two terms are actually two single quotes.


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On 7/15/2024 at 9:16 AM, Shirish.Lele said:

Is the space between two phrases important?
"'Computer Science' 'Electronics Engineering'"~5 yields me 2 results whereas
"'Computer Science''Electronics Engineering'"~5 yields me 3 results.

The second search has no space between the two phrases and what seems to be a double quote between the two terms are actually two single quotes.


Good catch! The space is important here, indeed.

Doubled single quote makes the query parser end the current phrase, but do not start new one. So the second query is effectively

"'Computer Science' Electronics Engineering"~5

I think, we would either correct this behavior or disable this syntax (producing an error if there is no space) in the future versions.

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