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Moving Intella Connect Case


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I want to move a number of my intella connect cases from (say) c:\Intella cases\Case1 to d:\Intella cases\case1


Within the admin panel you can only add or delete a case. I dont really want to delete a call and re-add it as I will have to allocate all of the users to the case. 


Id there a conf file that I can edit ?


Best regards,



Jason Coyne

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Hello Jason,


These steps will let you move a number of cases:

  1. Shut down the server.
  2. Move the case folders in Windows Explorer.
  3. Edit the C:\Users\[uSERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Intella\cases.xml file in a text editor to reflect the changed paths.
  4. Start the server.

Unfortunately this means some (limited) down-time for the entire server.

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