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Can't import a case

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I'm trying to import a case into our new installation of Intella Connect. I tried adding an ICF file from an Intella Pro case (both are v.2.5), but that failed (stayed at 0%, even though it was a very, very small case - 30 MB). I then tried adding it by copying the case folder over and pointing to the folder with the case.xml file. Intella connect recognized it as having case.xml, but the option to "Add Case" remains greyed out.

The drive is a locally drive, and Intella Connect was able to create a new case at that location no problem. But I can't get the import to work, either ICF or a case folder. Any thoughts on what I'm doing wrong, or what could be wrong? The user I'm logged in as is set up with global authorization as an admin.

Note in the screenshot the three attempts to import the ICF file. How do I remove that? And you see in the screenshot that it recognizes that there is a case.xml in the folder I'm pointing to when trying to export as a case folder instead of ICF.






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Update on this. We finally had to reboot our server. When it eventually came back up, the user accounts I had created were gone, and I was back to the default admin user. And the above cases I tried to add were gone. Not sure why that happened. On the server I was seeing the service as not running, yet I could connect to it. Looks like there is more hardware troubleshooting to be done.

Has anyone had a similar experience?

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Hi, note that the list of cases is stored in the Windows user profile that is used to start Connect. If you have Connect starting as a service with say AccountA then that is where the list of cases will reside. E.g. C:\Users\AccountA\AppData\Roaming\Intella.

If the service is not started and you manually start Connect with AccountB (e.g. You are logged on to the server with AccountB and you start Connect from the desktop icon), then you will not see the cases in Connect. This is because Connect is looking in AccountB's user profile, which does not have any cases in it.

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That's very likely what happened. The service didn't start automatically, so the IT person launched it. When we rebooted the server later as part of our troubleshooting, it did start automatically. I'm confiriming with the IT person what user profile it uses when starting automatically vs when he launched it manually.

Regards the path, I also see .\Roaming\Intella Connect. What is the difference between the two folders? We are only running Intella Connect on this server.

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