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Preservation of dates on creation of load files


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When I create a load file production for a regulator, I have noticed that the native files have created and modified dates of the dates and times they hit the file system.  I know that intella maintains the actual content created and modified within the load file itself.  I'm just wondering if it is possible to keep or preseve the original date and time stamps on the natives, so that I can been seen to adhere to evidence best practices in ensuring that the data hasn't changed, even the metatdata when I hand over the production?

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Hello Mark,


Can you please tell us which version of Intella do you use? Starting from Intella 1.6.4 all exported native files should have their original "modified" and "created" dates. Can you please check that those items have non-empty "File Created" and "File Last Modified" properties?

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I'm using version 1.7.3.  Looking in my case, there are no File Created or File Last Modified dates. I received nsf files, and brought these into Intella, then created my load files with natives.  However, I would have thought that even with attachments, such as pdf word etc. there will still be metadata store within the pdfs and word docs, right?

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Hi Mark,


We have a section in our training course that cover this. Here is a test you can try. 


Take an existing Word and PDF, doc note the File Created or File Last Modified dates. Email those documents to  yourself. Save to a new location and check the File Created or File Last Modified dates.

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