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W4 1.0 is here!!


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Vound is pleased to announce the official release of W4 1.0.

W4 1.0 is available from the Downloads section in the Vound Support Portal. You must be logged in with your email address and password. Users with a W4 1.0.x license can use this version immediately. 

As an introductory offer, users with Intella Professional, Team or Connect, can use W4 until July 31 2020 with these licenses. Note that you must have a Intella 2.3 Professional (or above) license on your dongle, and your Maintenance Agreement must be current to use W4. If you don't already have version 2.3 on your dongle, you can use the Dongle Manager application to update your dongle.

Note: For the introductory offer, you cannot use W4 when the license is actively used by Intella Professional, Team or Connect.


  • Extremely user-friendly interface which allows the user to quickly find, and investigate the information which is relevant to the case.
  • Blistering-fast indexing speeds that allow access to the indexed data in the shortest time possible.
  • Automatic extraction of notable registry artifacts. This can save the examiner many hours of manual artefacts extraction, and data conversion to human readable format.
  • Search and preview system settings, browser history, device usage, email, attachments, iTunes backups, archives, headers, documents, embedded images, and
  • Index forensic image files S01/E01/Ex01/L01/Lx01/AD1/ISO and DD and FTK images. Support for Windows and MacOS file systems, GPT and MBR partitions, ISO and others.
  • Multiple search visualization options. These include:
    ** W4’s unique Timeline – allows the user to select a date range but also understand how much data is in that range.
    ** Events view – allows the user to visually see every event, or a filtered set of events  in chronological order.
    ** Links graph – this view uses item metadata to link items together to highlight the ownership of data, and what accounts or devices had access to the data.
  • Fully customizable reporting wizard for reporting relevant artefacts in the case ready for Court, or for your client.
  • W4 cases can be directly ingested and integrated into Intella to expand on analysis and reporting.

For additional information, please visit our W4 website.

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