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Export email contains Chinese characters


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My computer is English Windows XP and able to display Chinese Characters properly. I tried to export the email contains Chinese characters in Intella.


Right click the email and then select Export Highlighted Results and select PDF Format.

The email exported successfully, but when i view the pdf files, all the Chinese characters are gone.


Is there any special requirements to export this type of emails? :huh:

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Thanks Chris!

According to the manual, we have to download and copy Unicode TrueType font (.ttf) files to C:\Program Files\Vound\Intella\font folder.

However, Chinese language is so complicated. One email content contains the following fonts.

  • English - Arial
  • Chinese Simplified - SimSun
  • Chinese Traditional - PMingLiU
  • Chinese Hong Kong - HKSCS

Those fonts are not available in single font package.

Is it possible for Intella to utilize/ render multiple fonts installed on the system?

And possibly add an option in Preferences for selecting "Printing and PDF generation" fonts?

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Is it possible for Intella to utilize/ render multiple fonts installed on the system?


Unfortunately it's not possible at the moment. Only one custom font can be used when exporting to PDF. I can think of the following options for you:

1) Try to find a single font package that covers all the glyphs you need.

2) Use some third party tool to merge a few TTFs into a single one.


Please look at this: http://superuser.com...o-font-into-one

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