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Creating Exports using tagged material

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We've got a large number of items tagged which were done during a review, and are interested in exporting the parents of attachments that have been tagged, is there a quick and easy way to do this.  I.e. export the email parent of the PDF and its attachment, or do I need to go through each item and then tag it and then export it?
I know we can do it the other way around, i.e. export the attachments that are within the email.

It would be useful if it was something that could be done quickly and easily.
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This sounds like a scenario where the reviewers did not tag document families consistently.  What I would do is, with the tagged documents already showing:

  1. Display the "attached" field in the table view;
  2. Sort by that field in the table view;
  3. Select all of the items that have a check mark in the "attached" field;
  4. Right-click and select "Show Parents...";
  5. Choose either direct or top-level parents, as appropriate
  6. Apply a new tag to the parent items, as well as the previously-tagged attachments
  7. Export via whatever method is applicable.  

Hope that helps!


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