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Japanese Search Terms in 1.8.4


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I've been given a number of search terms in Japanese and have created a keyword list and imported. When I run my keyword list (with combine queries) I get a my results back. However, when I go into the first document, every one, both in English and Japanese, are highlighted.


It appears that some words don't seem to work properly when it comes to the highlighting. It is clear that Intella is having some issues with the keywords, but I'm not sure what.


Does this relate to a syntax issue? I would have thought Intella wold have told me if it didn't like a term.


How does Intella handle Japanese words?


Are there some best practices for defining keywords in Japanese?

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Hi Mark,


We have a number of users in Japan. None have reported problems. Are you able to send support a few screenshots? 


As a question, can you read Japanese? If so do you see any obvious issues in the text highlighting? 

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I can't read Japanese I'm afraid, and that maybe be the problem. Have you heard of the problem with the highlight described above before? I don't know if I'm getting the syntax incorrect but assume the rules of proximity, phrase searches etc. equally apply?

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