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Intella 2.7(.0.1) - where is the indexing status?

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I just upgraded Connect and Node to 2.7 (from 2.6.1). I think I correctly started the indexing process for a new source in an existing case. When I click on the case source, I see "This case is currently being indexed by Intella_Node" near the top of the screen, and the source says "not indexed". This is a case where I previously indexed a source. This is a new source I'm adding. In the past, I thought you could clikc on Last statistics and see the current status of indexing. When I click on that, I see the results of the previous indexing.

I can't find anywhere in the UI where I can get the status of the current indexing task. Where can I see the processing status?

Also, when listing all cases and clicking on the case with the source being indexed, I see the following in red for the case (under case description):

"Unknown error. Details: Cannot invoke "com.vound.intella.icase.local.stats operation. CaseOperationStatistics.getProgress()" because "operationStatistics" is null.

Our Node and Connect servers are behind a firewall. I can't update the dongle from the server. I have to do an offline update (which I did today). I'm not sure if that's causing the above error (I checked off some logging option which I never did before).

If the issue is a bug, this can be moved to a support ticket. But at this point, I'm not sure if it's something I'm not doing correctly in 2.7.



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Further to my earlier post, when I came in this morning, I was seeing the same "Unknown error. Details: Cannot..." message. It was saying that Node was still being used for indexing. I stopped and restarted the Node service, and then selected the option to re-index the second source I added yesterday. It now seems to be indexing correctly, and I am able to see the progress.

Not sure what happened yesterday, but a restart of Node and re-indexing seems to have corrected the issue. Glad to see that we still see the indexing progress. I thought that for some reason, it had been removed in the update. If the matter repeats itself, I'll proceed through a support ticket. My initial posting above was because I thought it was a UI change that was causing me to not see any progress.

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