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Abbyy Recognition Server 4


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I don't currently have Abbyy as of yet.  But I find myself in the following situation, with a possible upcoming new matter in April:


  1. I purchase Abbyy Recognition Server v3.5 and use the current official release of Intella Pro to OCR documents; or
  2. I purchase Abbyy Recognition Server v4 and wait until the next offiical release of Intella Pro comes out that supports v4

If I go with option 1, would the next offical relaease of Intella Pro only support v4, or would there be backward compatibility with v3.5?  If I go with option 2, how long do you think it would be befiore Intella Pro supports v4?



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Hi Mark,


the integration with Abbyy v4 has already been implemented in interim version of Intella, but it has not been tested extensively yet. Please let us know if you would like to test this interim installer. With regards to backward compatibility, both Abbyy v3.5 and v4 will be supported. The user will be able to choose which version of Abbyy is being used in the OCR wizard.
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I now have Abbyy 4 installed on the same server as Intella Pro, running on Win 8.1.  I have followed the on screen instructions for sending documents to Abbyy and the wizard can't access the service URL when I select Get List from Server (for the workflow).

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Hello Mark,


I think this question is best handled by a support ticket, so that we can talk privately about your setup. Please also provide screenshots of the error that you get.

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