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Removing the previewed and opened status/flag


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I have a team of reviewers who are about to start a linear review of documents in a case.


During testing and setup some items in the case were opened and previewed.


Is there a way I can remove this tick/flag from these items?


I want to use this field to track the reviewers and see which items they have looked at and so it needs to be cleared at the start of the review.




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Hello Simon,


it is currently not possible to change the preview flag. Please note that the preview flag is bound to specific user, so you could use Feature facet to see which user has previewed which items. This way you will be able to separate items previewed during testing from items previewed by the reviewers.

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Hello Simon,


No, the information that Intella uses for its Features facet is obtained from its databases. This audit CSV file is only an extra place where it is stored - for easy auditing purposes.


I can see how the ability to clear this information makes sense for an admin, so I will make a note of it.

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