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Parent Item when exporting in Original Format


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Keywords hit on an item attached to an email.  When exported in Original Format with location structure kept, only the attachment item was exported, the parent email becomes a folder.


Anyway that I can include the parent email when exporting in Original Format?

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Tag the parent item rather than the attachment only.


You can either change the tagging behaviour in settings so that tagged items automatically include parent items, or my preferred method is once I'm finished tagging I highlight all tagged items that are child items, right click and select show parents. Then apply the tag to the parent items and remove the tag from the child items.


Then export as normal and you will have parent items with the attachments intact.

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No I don't think it's designed that way, you will need to take a slightly different approach when dealing with child/parent items depending what you want to tag.


My usual process is to first examine only emails (parent items) that way I will capture any child items as part of that tagging process. Then once I've completed that I will go and view any other files which may not have parent items separately.

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