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Complex searches - pointers anyone?

David Caldwell

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HI all


I am trying to put together some search queries that include grouping, date range, specific custodians and excludes specific information (email sigs and clauses).


Here's what I would like to do:

  1. Select custodians
  2. Add date parameter
  3. Build a search string  (this AND that) OR (this OR that) etc
  4. Exclude the email footer

I think it is the order in which I do things that causes me the most grief.





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Here's what I would like to do:

  1. Select custodians
    Location facet and chose the custodian files you wish to search and use the Include search
  2. Add date parameter
    In the Date facet select the range you want and search.
  3. Build a search string  (this AND that) OR (this OR that) etc
    In the main search field create your seach. Or use a keyword list to search a number of terms at one time.

    Note you can use search opperators in our keyword lists. Example

    ------------Keyword list-------------


 (desktop OR server) AND application
"John goes home"
 "desktop application"~10


  1. Exclude the email footer
    This is not possible in the current version but will be soon.



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The keyword list is very useful to use and somewhat easier (I've found) than trying to compile the AND OR search strings which I always seem to mess up.


Excluding footers will be fantastic and something that will immediately increase the accuracy of any keyword searches.

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