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Error Code 27 when trying to start Intella through RDP


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With the help of SafeNet (the dongle manufacturer) we have been able to diagnose the problem. There seems to be an undocumented restriction with some of the dongle types that we use, resulting in those dongles not fully supporting usage over RDP. Not all combinations of HASP dongle types, OS-es and product license setups are affected, which explains why this problem has slipped through our testing.


One workaround is a patched driver file that they provided to us. It was originally made for one of their other customers and has had some considerable testing. You are welcome to try it out, you can download it here:




This ZIP file contains a patched hasplms.exe file that goes into C:\Windows\system32. There is also a text file in it with detailed instructions, as you need to stop and restart the Windows service that manages the licenses, or else you won't be able to replace the file.


We have tested this driver on several systems and it worked flawlessly to date.

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