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IntellaCmd "Product license not found"

Bryan La Rock

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I am new to IntellaCmd and am attempting to script case ingestion.  I cannot seem to get Intella to locate my license.  No matter which parameters I use to start IntellaCmd, I always get the error "Product license not found".

I have tried using the argument "-autoSelectFullLicense".  When I use this argument, I see that IntellaCmd sets this property to "true", but it does not affect the outcome.

I have tried running my batch file both as a normal Windows user and as Administrator.  This did not affect the outcome.

I'd appreciate any advice.

Thank you!


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Hello Bryan,

It should certainly work with that product.

Can you tell us:

  • The command-line invocation that you use? You can redact e.g. folder and evidence names, this is only about the options that you use.
  • The full output of the process, as visible in the console.
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Hi Chris,

Strangely enough, the script is now working today, though I have made no changes of which I am aware and I have not ever restarted the machine since yesterday.  The output still seems to be complaining about not finding a product license, but it goes forth to process anyway.  Perhaps there is some other license besides the core Intella Pro license that is missing and is causing the "Product license not found" error?

Regardless, I hope it continues to work!  😃  I'd still appreciate your thoughts:

The invocation is as follows:

"C:\Program Files\Vound\Intella 2.2.1\IntellaCmd.exe" -user "Elluma Discovery" -case "D:\Intella Temp\REDACTED" -caseName "REDACTED" -caseDescription "test" -evidence "REDACTED"    -indexMailArchives true -indexArchives true -indexEmbedded false -indexUnstructured true -recoverDeleted true -cacheEvidenceFiles false -analyzeParagraphs true -determineEmailSenderIpGeolocation false -taskFile "D:\Intella Temp\REDACTED\OCR Task.json"    -autoSelectFullLicense

I've attached a redacted version of the output.  You'll see the error in the middle of the output:

[ERROR] 2019-01-15 08:34:28,702 [main] Product license not found

Thank you again!



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Hello Bryan,

Good to hear that you're up and running! Your output indicates that it is now indexing successfully.

The "Product license not found" message seems to be a side-effect of how IntellaCmd currently checks for a license. It first looks for an Intella TEAM Manager license, and if that is not available, it will look for an Intella Professional license. This message seems to be a misleading logging statement resulting from it not finding a TEAM Manager license in your case. I'll see to it that that logging statement gets removed.

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Hi Bryan,

What's in the User Manual is all the documentation that we have on it.

Please do make sure you use version 2.2.1, as it contains improvements in both documentation and software.

That said, with every release we make significant adjustments to the documentation, based on the questions that we receive. So please do ask!

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