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Questa Integrity

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Posts posted by Questa Integrity

  1. Hi


    In scenario when I upload into Intella 2 backups of same mailbox (*.pst) from different day (e.g. first made on 1.01.2018 and second made on 31.01.2018) mailes priror to 1.01.2018 appears twice (one per backup file) after deduplication. 


    Does some proccessing/indexing failed, and it should not happened? (And to solve it I should re-index both databases again).


    Or if it is normal, is there any way to set percent of compliance during deduplication (e.g. from 100% to 99% or so) to deduplicate such mailes from different backup's? 


    Thank you

  2. Is there any possibility to add "visited URL" column in table view? (Information included in Content view) 



    Atm, when I review visited URL's history (Search tab > Type > User activity > WWW > [Web Browser] History Entry) to get information about direct visited site I have to "Preview" each entry. 



    Or is there any other option to export (to .csv) web history with dates and URL's.



    I'm using Intella Pro 1.9.1 

  3. I know you said you've had it working on Windows 10 before but I just wanted to comment that I've had some issues with Windows 10 doing random things with forensic software of various types. Nothing I could ever pin down to a particular suite as it was very random, but the general instability led me to go back to Win7 which seems to be a lot more stable.


    For me, I won't be touching Win10 again until all the vendors have signed off on their software being fully compatible.


    So what is official Vound's position about full compatibility with Win 10 across the products (Pro/ TEAM/ Connect)?

    Are they all 100% compatible?

    I'm just wondering whether update to Win 10 or not...

  4. As far as I understand the statistics (overview, histogram and email) relate to the whole case.

    It would be great to make it available also for a selected sets of data, eg. data from selected locations (mailboxes of selected custodians) or specific time periods. This would help in early case assessment.


    And another suggestion - to allow for deletion of a data source or alternatively allow for change of detailed index options ('Edit Sources').

    The argument for this is that if you add new data and make mistake selecting detailed index option you cannot correct it once it's saved, even if data was not indexed. Moreover you cannot add another set of the same data with different index options to correct the mistake due to source data path collision. The only solution I developed for this, not very practical though, is to copy source data into a new folder (to change the path) and add that folder as additional data with correct index options. The data in the case get duplicated though, and you need to exclude them manually...

    Sometimes, if there's not too much data, it is better to setup a new case and delete the old one.


    [Edit:] sorry, this suggestions referred to Intella 100/250/Pro rather than to Intella Connect. Can you move it to where it's appropriate? Thanks

  5. Not sure whether this was flagged before, but I recently noticed that when you print an email from a review window, information about email attachments is missing 

    This problem seems to be both in Intella and Intella Connect.

    Is this a bigger technical problem or just an oversight?

  6. Hi all,

    Having read this thread and also other posts, I guess I have a clarity as to what specs are needed for the processing unit of Intella Connect (I personally use the Pro version).

    I consider however separating of processing machine from hosting one, which is as I understand a solution recommended by Vound Software...

    However with respect to the hosting machine I don't have clarity about the minimum/ required/ recomended specs. 

    Most suggestions in this thread seems to refer to only processing or mixed processing/ hosting units, which clearly need much more power than a purely hosting unit.

    Under the heading 'Case file storage and access', which I believe refers to hosting IC cases, VS writes primarily about hard drives (internal vs. external, etc,), OS and network connection, ommitting any suggestions/ requirements for server's CPU and RAM...

    Of course, the more powerful machine, the better, but why to pay for another state-of-art machine, if it's not needed from technical perspective?

    I also understand that there is no simple answer about specs without adopting prior assumptions about number of cases, their size or number of reviewers or experience of reviewers.

    AdamS in host post suggested that RAM is key for hosting.

    Can any of the admins confirm this and if possible explain this matter a little broader, please?



  7. Hello,
    I was wondering whether there is a smart way of filtering for external OCR engine 
    files other than PDF & TIFFs.

    Some scanners save files as regular pictures (eg. jpg/png) rather than PDF/ TIFFs. You can also make a picture of text with your camera.
    The problem is that ESI usually contain thousands of pictures, but how to select only the ones potentially containing text in them? Do you have to OCR all of them to ensure (reasonable) completeness?
    If you had a skin-tone analysis, you could apply the brightest tone in order to filter out files with white/ bright background, but I understand that Intella doesn't support this feature
    The only filter that comes to my mind is file size, say >50kB - this would ignore numerous minor graphical objects (email footers, website banners, thumbnails, etc.) and thus reduce a number of files processed by the OCR engine.
    Any other ideas how to reduce a number of pictures for OCR?


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