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Posts posted by kevinma

  1. Hello Chris,

    After indexing completed, I selected all the Encrypted entries in the Features facet, and then displayed the "Encrypted" and "Decrypted" columns in the Details table. Afterward, I exported all the encrypted items from the Intella and dropped it into the Passware to recover the passwords.

    Few days later, I inputted the passwords into the Key Store in the Intella, then I clicked Source -> ReIndex, it toke me half days to reindex whole source again. Is it possible to reindex the encrypted items only? :huh:

    Also, the decrypted items still require password to open, could you add a tab to show which key is used for decrypting the file? :ph34r:

  2. I tried to use the Disk Image (L01) as the Source for Intella 1.6.4. After indexing, Intella found thousands of encrypted files. Most of them are Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and PDF files.

    Is it possible to allow user to provide open-password for each file manually and then re-indexing it, so that I can indexing all the files in the L01 images without create another dummy case/source for decrypted files. :)

    For example, highlight all the files with the same password in the Details panel, then right-click input password, then choose re-indexing.

  3. Thanks Chris!

    According to the manual, we have to download and copy Unicode TrueType font (.ttf) files to C:\Program Files\Vound\Intella\font folder.

    However, Chinese language is so complicated. One email content contains the following fonts.

    • English - Arial
    • Chinese Simplified - SimSun
    • Chinese Traditional - PMingLiU
    • Chinese Hong Kong - HKSCS

    Those fonts are not available in single font package.

    Is it possible for Intella to utilize/ render multiple fonts installed on the system?

    And possibly add an option in Preferences for selecting "Printing and PDF generation" fonts?

  4. I tried to use the NOT operator with keywords to find out all the emails contain the word "subscribe" but not "unsubscribe".


    Keywords: subscribe NOT unsubscribe

    However, this technique does not work in some of the Simplified Chinese characters. For instance, using the following keywords.


    Simplified Chinese Keywords: 安 NOT 安排

    Simplified Chinese sentence: 是否可以安排在星期一前完成


    The results still highlight the word 安, however the email content contains the whole sentence ...安排在 ....


    The problem maybe those characters are the same in simplified Chinese and traditional Chinese.

    Please try it in Google Translate at http://translate.goo...%AE%89%E6%8E%92


    Traditional Chinese Keywords: 電子 NOT 電子郵件

  5. My computer is English Windows XP and able to display Chinese Characters properly. I tried to export the email contains Chinese characters in Intella.


    Right click the email and then select Export Highlighted Results and select PDF Format.

    The email exported successfully, but when i view the pdf files, all the Chinese characters are gone.


    Is there any special requirements to export this type of emails? :huh:

  6. On the left side of the timeline chart, I see the number next to each recipients as below


    Person A /o=ABC/ou=Exch.. (50)

    Person B (30)

    Person C (47)

    Person A (98)


    I noted that Person A have two rows, one is Legacy Exchange Distinguished Name and the other only display Person's name. Is it possible to group those names?

    Also, is it able to create a summary report for finding out Number of Email Messages send to each recipients. (In descending order)? :)

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