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David Stenhouse

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Posts posted by David Stenhouse

  1. I have processed two different sets of Microsoft O365 Purview .pst exports.  On both, once the Intella processing is complete, I noticed that for individual messages the Conversation Index field is displayed; however not the Conversation ID field.

    Due to seeing this, I have viewed same pre-processed messages using the MFCMAPI tool (https://github.com/microsoft/mfcmapi/releases) and can see the Conversation ID.

    The problem I am having is because Intella is not displaying the Conversation ID, that metadata does not appear to be exported when building a new .pst file.  The vendor that is processing the filtered .pst files relies on the Conversation ID for their review system.

    Has anyone else experienced this?  I have processed the same data on two different systems to verify--I'm wondering if I am just missing something right in front of me.  Thank you for any feedback.


  2. I know it has been a while since this topic was posted, however I am interested if this feature may materialize--the ability to included the following in a search term list:

    • custodian/date range (ex: (custodian:smith_joe AND daterange:[20190101 TO 20201231]) AND (apple OR pear)

    This ability may already exist and I haven't figured it out yet.  Just point me in the right direction if so.  

    Love this tool.


  3. Very, very, very new user here.  I couldn't find this in the forums.

    I noticed that my table presets I have created for one case do not show up for the next case I create.  I see in the Intella manual that appears to be the norm.  Is there a way that I can export my table presets, or is there a 'global' option where I can create table presets that I use on every case?

    Thank you for any assistance.


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