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Script for generating SHA1, SHA256, and SHA512 values during processing


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import hashlib

from api.scripting import ScriptService
from api.scripting.ScriptService import (Action, CustomColumn,
                                         CustomColumnType, CustomColumnValue,
                                         FoundItemResult, ProcessedItemResult)

# Hashing functions
def sha256(file):
    hash_sha256 = hashlib.sha256()
    with open(file, "rb") as f:
        for chunk in iter(lambda: f.read(4096), b""):
    return hash_sha256.hexdigest()

def sha1(file):
    hash_sha1 = hashlib.sha1()
    with open(file, "rb") as f:
        for chunk in iter(lambda: f.read(4096), b""):
    return hash_sha1.hexdigest()

def sha512(file):
    hash_sha512 = hashlib.sha512()
    with open(file, "rb") as f:
        for chunk in iter(lambda: f.read(4096), b""):
    return hash_sha512.hexdigest()

class ScriptHandler(ScriptService.Iface):

    def itemFound(self, item):
        return FoundItemResult(action=Action.Include)

    def itemProcessed(self, item):
        custom_columns = []

        if item.binaryFile is not None:
            # Generate SHA-256
            file_sha256 = sha256(item.binaryFile)
            sha256_column = CustomColumn("SHA-256", CustomColumnType.String, CustomColumnValue(value=file_sha256))

            # Generate SHA-1
            file_sha1 = sha1(item.binaryFile)
            sha1_column = CustomColumn("SHA-1", CustomColumnType.String, CustomColumnValue(value=file_sha1))

            # Generate SHA-512
            file_sha512 = sha512(item.binaryFile)
            sha512_column = CustomColumn("SHA-512", CustomColumnType.String, CustomColumnValue(value=file_sha512))

            # Add all custom columns
            custom_columns = [sha256_column, sha1_column, sha512_column]

        return ProcessedItemResult(action=Action.Include, customColumns=custom_columns)


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Thanks for sharing. I'm looking at writing a crawler script for something else. Seeing examples helps.

The unfortunate aspect of crawler scripts is you can only run one, and it must be while indexing the case. I remember Vound saying they are hoping that in the future, this won't be the case. But for now, that's the only time you can run a script. I am currently running one to look for emails with blank subjects and tagging them accordingly. I have another I'd like to run to extract a particular data point from a MS Word DOCx file and add that in a column. I'll either have to choose one or the other or process the case twice to be able to run both crawler scripts. With some cases taking 12+ hours to index, that's not a very attractive option.

There is a caveat with yours that you are calculating three additional hashes per file which will add processing time. For a small case, that likely won't be too noticeable. But if you have a case with 100GB+ for example, the additional processing time will certainly be noticeable.

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