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Everything posted by westerndigital

  1. Is there a way to remove images included in email footers/signatures? I tried turning off "index embedded content" but that has not helped. What I'm trying to do is export a collection of emails to PDF and have the PDF be just the Original View of the email. My problem is that the export includes both the original view of the email and also the attached footer images which are included on a separate sheet at the end of the PDF. Does anyone know if there is a way to get rid of these footer images while also making sure that I get email attachments in my export?
  2. Very helpful to know. I guess I'll figure out a workaround with two exports. Thank you, both. Igor, when you say the latest version are you referring to 1.91 or a beta version that is unreleased to the public?
  3. Is there a way to export files to PDF without a cover sheet being included? I've tried changing a bunch of settings but maybe I missed something.
  4. Ah, thank you both. Your responses were very helpful!
  5. I am processing a 10GB PST file and am uncertain about the best way to deduplicate the files before export. Should I create a search on the entire PST and dedupe that - then select the files/show parents/export. Or, should I create a search on the PST/show parents/deduplicate/export? Doing it the first way gives me far fewer parent files in the end - about 6,000 less. I'm just worried that I'm missing something important. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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