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Everything posted by admin

  1. Hi Mark, Not at the moment. We have asked Abbyy to renew our dev license so we can make the changes to support V4. We are still waiting to hear back.
  2. Hi Adam, What do you see in Outlook if you open the PST.
  3. Hi Alan, Could you supply a sample of the Foxmail file. When open in notepad does it look like a Mbox?
  4. Hi Alan, Could you supply a sample of the Foxmail file. When open in notepad does it look like a Mbox?
  5. Many thanks for posting this Paul. We would love to hear from other users on what they might want included in this type of feature.
  6. So you are using remote resources from a Mac, mapping a drive.. Try turning it off and see if that solves your issue. Remote resources links on Google
  7. Have you tried with RDP remote resource mapping off? Please note that we all use RDP every day and have never seen this error before. Next time it happens please send me a copy of the log to support.
  8. RDP remote resource mapping can greatly slow down reading remote and local disks while it directory lists them needlessly. Make sure this is not enabled. Also have a bare minimum of mapped drives.
  9. Are you using RDP or do you have a lot of mapped shares? When you shutdown does it take a long time to shutdown?
  10. Note: you will be shown this dialog every time you click a result until you select a default action and check Don't ask again. So Intella would have used the previewer until changed for the first x number of items previewed. Also if you are not seeing this dialog when opening an item it would be a indication that the setting was chosen and confirmed manually at some point.
  11. When you create a new case, then open your first item. You will see a dialog that asks how you wish to preview items with the following two options. Please select the action: Could it be that you have set the action to Open in external application by mistake? Section 24.4 of the 1.8 user manual covers this.
  12. Mark, We cannot think why XP would be an issue, but it is the first time we have heard of anyone using it for Connect server. Can you try Win7 to rule the issue out?
  13. Mark, When you say slow we think 10-15 seconds to open a page. The fact that it is taking 25 mins tells us something is not right. Please can you give us the: PC specs Drive setup for Case, Evidence and OS (all 3 drives) Reviewers PC setup AV or firewalls. Also can we know the case size (total evidence).
  14. Phil as said before we will look at adding it in future version.
  15. Hi Mark, Would something like this work? This one looks to be free. There are paid options also. https://excelconverter.codeplex.com/ You would then add as a new folder.
  16. >> Do I need to repair the outlook mail files before uploading. If it opens in Outlook you can upload to Intella. Having both Case and Optimization Folder on C:/ is not recommended. To use the optimization drive correctly please set up the case as such. Drive 0: OS Drive Drive 1: Case Folder Drive 2: Evidence/ESI Drive 3: Intella Optimization Folder (at least 1.5 times the evidence size) Please see this link for more detail. http://community.vound-software.com/index.php?/topic/185-beta-optimization-folder/
  17. ScanPST only does some basic clean up of the PST. Tools like PST Walker (our fav) and Kernel go a lot deeper to correct issues. But you are correct mileage with these may vary.
  18. You can do this via the Empty document facet or by loading all PDF then viewing thumbnails.
  19. Hi All, What we've learned in the past week is that Microsoft's Outlook 365 IMAP implementation is broken in a number of ways. There are many reports on the internet describing ways in which Outlook 365 deviates from the IMAP specification. This not only affects Intella, but most other IMAP clients too. Despite what Microsoft calls it, the protocol that they offer is essentially not IMAP. I'm afraid Intella won't be able to properly index Outlook 365 mailboxes until Microsoft fixes these problems or until Intella gets Exchange protocol support (planned, but not short term). What I would suggest is that you download mailboxes using an e-mail client that supports the Exchange protocol and that stores the downloaded data in pst or mbox files. Microsoft Outlook is an obvious candidate for this. The created pst and mbox files can then be indexed by Intella. An additional benefit of this approach is that you have a proper snapshot of the mailbox as it was at the time of the investigation.
  20. Hi Jason, We see this issue from time to time when archiving solutions create the PST and not Outlook. If you can share the PST with use we can see if we can create a fix for it.
  21. Intella 1.8 had a number of changes to the database to enable new features that cannot be pushed 1.7.3 cases.
  22. Hi Mark, From the release notes. https://www.vound-software.com/docs/1.8/Intella-1.8-Release-Notes.pdf Upgrade Notes Intella 1.8 is able to open cases made with Intella 1.7.x and 1.8. Cases in 1.7.x format do not require any case conversion or re-indexing. However, some functionalities and improvements may not be available for such cases. Cases made with 1.7.x cannot be re-indexed or extended with additional sources. Cases made with Intella 1.6 or older are not supported. One can however use Intella 1.7.3 to convert these cases to the 1.7 format and then open them in 1.8. Cases made with Intella 1.8 beta 1 or beta 2 are not supported and should be recreated
  23. Via support: http://support.vound-software.com/customers/Knowledgebase/List/Index/62
  24. HI 4n6geek0, PDF's: Intella can index all PDF except Scans and Content protected. For those you need OCR. Intella can work in conjunction with tools like AABBY when you do need to OCR such documents.
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